In the wake of Eric Gardner and Michael Brown being killed by the police, the black community is in a bit of an outrage. However, I want to turn the conversation a bit to question the police community out there.
Why do you continue to protect “bad cops” while claiming most cops are good?
If you are good cops, then do your job and out the ones that are doing things the wrong way. Encourage the police force to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those that are making your job in the community difficult by doing things like choking to death black men or filling them with bullets despite the fact they are in compliance, unarmed and at a safe distance from you.
The police and the community are always in an uproar talking about how the “No Snitching” in the black community is a detriment, but why is it ok when you do the same? You stand silent when there are black males after black males dying at the hands of your fellow cops, but you say nothing.
You don’t snitch.
You don’t demand justice.
You don’t demand these individuals are prosecuted for murder.
All you do is close ranks and protect your own. You build on the stereotype that the police are against the black community and only care about themselves when you do this. The kicker is you get upset with us for responding towards you in this manner.
I get the principles of brotherhood, fraternity. I’m in one. The difference is if a frat brother of mine is out raping little girls, i’m not going to try and protect him.
After we kick his ass, we are going to turn him over the authorities so they can properly put this dude away, hopefully for life.
With the cop fraternity, y’all don’t think like that. Y’all protect them at all cost and look us like we are crazy because we expect the same “justice” you would enact upon us, the regular citizens, to be put on one of your own.
If you want us to believe not all cops are bad, then start acting like decent human beings and stop protecting murderers, killers and violators of their oath simply because they are in the same gang, I mean fraternity, as you.
This Upset Parent of Young, Endangered, Black Men