“So…Now it’s Obama’s Fault that a Racist Cop Shot Michael Brown?”

by | Sep 3, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

[Reporting for News Team One]

Georgia – The Atlanta Journal Constitution is reporting that, in an interview with Australian news outlet SkyNews, Nathan Deal’s lawyer blames President Obama for the tragic events that have occurred in Ferguson, Missouri.

From the AJC: A Republican National Committee member from Georgia tied the turmoil over an unarmed black man’s shooting death in Ferguson to President Barack Obama’s administration, saying the Democrat has squandered the chance to improve race relations and used minorities as little more than a “political tool.”

Randy Evans, who moonlights as Gov. Nathan Deal’s attorney, was on an Australian TV program called Contrarians last week when he was asked whether the unrest in Ferguson was touching a wider nerve in the U.S. He responded by saying many young blacks looked to Obama thinking they too could grow up to be president.


“Well that enormous opportunity kind of got squandered because literally what happened once President Obama took office, African-Americans became nothing more than a political tool – a way to drive up votes among African-American communities,” said Evans. “And I would say that over the course of his six years we probably have taken more steps backward than we have forward.”

“Once President Obama took office, African-Americans became nothing more than a political tool…”

Unless African-Americans were all born last night, they’ve been used as a ‘political tool’ by both Parties [and this country] since its inception. The Democrats just know how to do a better job of making up for their past sins. That isn’t the surprise.

The real surprise that isn’t a surprise any more, considering them and their Tea Party friends, is that they would have the nerve enough to say that the “events in Ferguson, MO” had something to do with President Barack Obama and the “setback of racial relations” as if they weren’t already doing this kind of ish to Black people in America since before the President was even born.

Nathan Deal is in a boatload of legal swamp trouble this election year–the kind that is going to follow him around for the rest of his life; and will grasp at any Tea Party bleeding chicken neck or broken straws that come flailing past him right now.

He might want to think about the political poo he’s made out of his own career instead of trying to tie Obama and Michael Brown together as if lynching Black people and police brutality just happened in this nation for the first time in Ferguson, MO.

No, he didn’t exactly say what this headline infers, it just means Deal, through his lawyer, may as well have said it. The words ““Well that enormous opportunity kind of got squandered because literally what happened once President Obama took office, African-Americans became nothing more than a political tool – a way to drive up votes among African-American communities,” said Evans. “And I would say that over the course of his six years we probably have taken more steps backward than we have forward.” … is close enough to saying the same thing.

Deal must have gotten his “election year talking points” from Sarah Palin and Orly Taitz.


More than four-fifths of Nathan Deal’s appointments to the state’s most powerful three boards have contributed nearly $1.3 million to Deal’s campaign and political action committee. Of the 51 positions, 43 are held by white men while only five are women and one is an African American.

Nathan Deal bragged about fighting against the Voting Rights Act.

 When talking about Georgia’s discriminatory voter-ID laws, Nathan Deal refers to “ghetto grandmothers.”
Nathan Deal refused to endorse Wilcox, GA’s first integrated prom.
The last Legislative Report Card grade Nathan Deal received from the NAACP while he was in Congress was an “F.”

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