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GENIUS: See What This Boy Does With A Condom [VIDEO] | Urban Intellectuals

GENIUS: See What This Boy Does With A Condom [VIDEO]

by | Feb 26, 2016 | Africa, Culture | 0 comments

You know the saying “neccesity is the mother of invention”? Well that’s the case where true genius can stand out and arguable where our African ancestors started to stand out of the crowd of other species 100,000 years ago.

We’ve flown to space, created a virtual world and are now discussing theories that will bend space and time. However at the end of the day we are still human, at our core we excel in simple situations or complex ones and genius is genius wherever it stands.

In Africa football is life, it literally gives people a reason to live in many places where life is really tough.

Of course footballs are not cheap and that’s where some genius people have come up with ways to create the ball needed. In the video below a boy, presumably in Pemba, Mozambique, takes a condom, which may be available in abundance, and some other materials laying around to make a fully functioning football.

It may be a bit light but it looks like a lot of fun to play with!

This kid, and many like him, invent what they need when they need it. They use their brains to solve problems important to them. Put him in a lab and he may solve a cure to cancer, put him in a city planning office and he may work out the best layout for a new suburb. The sky is the limit and we need to celebrate and nurture intelligence wherever we see it.

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