Fox News Host Lost Their Mind Over Stephen Colbert Wearing a Black Lives Matter Bracelet

by | Sep 16, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

It’s amazing to me the Black Lives Matter movement is considered a divisive issue in America, at least among the right wing, so called “conservative” media outlets. They speak as if people standing up to brutality is an attack on their whiteness. It’s not.

Nevertheless, this is obviously the feeling of a trio of host over at Fox News. Their feelings came to the surface when Steven Cobert decided to wear a Black Lives Matter wristband on his new late night show.

Right wing media loves to distort the truth and make these “racial” issues seem like black folks are making up the disparagy in treatment by cops up. As if, the video evidence of late doesn’t match up with decades of claims of police brutality and unjust treatment.

[ADSENSE2]Ignorance & Nonsense Continues.

Despite this, they continue to spew ignorance and nonsense into the American media outlets and unfortunately people are eating it up.

Cobert was challenged by a Black Lives Activist to wear the bracelet on air and to mention the phrase “Black Lives Matter.” He accepted the bracelet as a gift, but said he makes no promises.

Well, Cobert wore the bracelet on air and the heads at Fox News literally turned a full 360 as they freaked out over him doing such an injustice to their whiteness.

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