We finally have a little bit of closure on the Flint water crisis. The Flint Water Advisory Task Force finished their investigation earlier this week and a report was delivered to Snyder Monday morning. The report blamed everyone from the Department of Environmental Quality to the emergency managers for the errors that were made during the entire process.
Chris Kolb from the Flint Water Advisory Task Force said, “It was a mixture of ignorance, incompetence, and arrogance by many decision-makers that created a toxic and tragic situation that produced the Flint water crisis and it all could have been avoided and prevented.”
The investigators did come to the conclusion that this tragedy does not rest on the shoulders of Snyder but something tells me that if he doesn’t resign he won’t be getting re-elected. So will anyone have to do time for this crime? Thousands of people were literally poisoned and to say ignorance played a part is a copout because if I don’t make a complete stop at a stop sign because I didn’t know it was a law, I would still get a ticket.
So what is being done to rectify this situation now is unclear but the investigation in now over and hopefully they are working tirelessly to provide safe drinking water for Flint residents.