A black man, a latino woman and a white guy walk into a restaurant…. Sounds like the beginning of joke (and a racist one at that) and in some ways the new bill splitting app Equitable is a kind of joke too.
The app which will split your bill at restaurants and essentially make white men pay the most may have been born from the 2016 Comedy Hack Day in San Francisco, where it won the Grand Prize, but it highlights a genuine issue and gets you thinking.
We always hear the stats, how much men make compared to women, blacks and lationos to whites etc etc. However those statistics mean very little when thrown around without context but Equitable brings in data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to make the point clearer for us all.
Basically it draws statistics and each diners background details and splits the bill based on statistics, highlighting the wage gap issues faced by certain groups of society.
I think it makes a great point and although you may not choose to use it’s suggested split it will certainly make dinner table talking points.
See the talk about the app below and learn more on their site EquitablAapp.com
What do you think?