Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Addresses Racists Employees Over #BlackLivesMatter Movement

by | Feb 25, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments

Mark Zuckerberg has been quick to talk about the terrorist attacks in Paris and other world events that affect white people. You rarely, if ever, hear him talk about issues that deals with the black community. But hey, why would you expect him to when he isn’t from that world. He is a kid from Harvard that created Facebook. That sounds as white as it gets.

But maybe hell has frozen over. Mark seems to be very upset and is calling a town hall meeting over the BlackLivesMatter movement. Facebook headquarters has a wall where anyone can write anything. Someone wrote BlackLivesMatter and someone else scratch it out and replaced it with AllLivesMatter. This happened even after Mark’s request to not do it. Below is what he had to say about it.


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