A man by the name of Herman Wallace is on the brink of death after 42 years in solitary confinement.
Wallace has been diagnosed with lung cancer and is starting to lose faith as he feels that he has been done a great injustice.
Wallace is 71 years old and has been described as “having a few weeks to live.” This brings up great controversy around the country due to the nature of the situation. It brings thousands of civilians to ask “Why should this man be granted freedom when there are a litany of other individuals who have to live out the rest of their painful lives behind bars?
” Well some critics believe the reason why this man should receive freedom is that he did nothing to be put in prison in the first place. Here is the reasoning behind his arrest:
“A member of the so-called Angola 3, Wallace and two others were in jail for armed robbery, then accused in 1972 of murdering a prison guard at the Louisiana State Penitentiary, known as Angola prison. The men say they were framed because of their political activism as members one of the first prison chapters of the Black Panther Party”
Wallace is now pleading to the Louisiana courts for a “compassionate release”. According to Democracy now, his request has gone “unanswered”. There are many individuals who believe that Wallace is innocent including the widow of the prison guard who was murdered. Despite all of the testimonies that attest to Wallace’s innocence, this may not be enough to free him from his situation. This draws parallels to the case of Troy Davis. Troy Davis was executed on a conviction that was determined mostly on the basis of testimony. There was no evidence that linked Davis to the crime; there were only witnesses who eventually later admitted to being coerced by the police to testify in court against Davis.
As time progresses, America’s compassion for justice is being once again challenged by those committed to bearing witness to the truth and justice for all. Will Wallace receive the chance to live out his last days on Earth a free man? Stay posted to Urban Intellectuals for further details and comments.