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Ex-NFL Player Made $25m, Quit At 29, Became A Farmer And Donates His Food To Pantries | Urban Intellectuals

Ex-NFL Player Made $25m, Quit At 29, Became A Farmer And Donates His Food To Pantries

by | Jan 29, 2016 | Culture | 0 comments

Imagine, you have a career ahead of you. You have a very large contract with a guaranteed income that will see you through all your later years, leaving you very comfortable.

Life can’t really be much better.

THEN, you throw it all in, of course you are left with a fair bit of cash, but the future is uncertain, you go into murky waters, with a new idea and venture and with no idea if you’ll succeed!

No one would do that right? That’s just silly! Well…

Jason Brown has done an extraordinary thing! This was a man who in 2009 was signed on a five-year, $37.5 million contract with the St. Louis Rams. He was the highest-paid center in the NFL.

Read that again! And imagine giving that all up…

In 2009 he quit. With plenty of career ahead of him he decided to throw in the towel and buy a 1,000-acre farm.

To this point he had made $25 million from his contract.

He then learned to farm sweet potatoes and other veggies from YouTube and said he made many mistakes along the way to becoming successful at his new chosen trade!

And the best part, he donates masses of his crops to food pantries! The numbers are pretty astounding!

How awesome is that!

It was said 46,000 pounds of sweet potatoes and 10,000 pounds of cucumbers were given by him this fall. This is a man to seriously look to for inspiration!

You can see him in action, farming and talking about his amazing venture below!…

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