True Laundry Detergent is a black owned business. They advertise that their low sud concentrated product is high quality and they state that “We will not conduct business in a way that will break the peace or corrupt the land”.
Basically it’s a black owned product not from a big corporation and there is no reason why any of us shouldn’t give it a chance.
Of course, it may not be the product for us, it may not clean our clothes like our favorite brand but in the pursuit of quality products and support of black business we should try it without question, we may find it amazing. That is the least we can do, right?
These thoughts were spurred by a post on Facebook from Pamela J. Booker where she wrote:
Something to ponder: When you tell people about a Black Owned Laundry Detergent Company (or any BOB) here are the questions you get:
What’s in it?
How much does it cost?
How does it smell?
Who made it?
What school did he/she go to?
What is their credit score?
Do they still owe Sallie Mae/Navient?But you buy Tide/Gain/Purex Billion Companies NO INGREDIENTS LISTED and you buy anyway! NO MONEY being recycled into our community! While eating a hot dogs and drinking soda worried about ingredients
You want things to change but you won’t change your mentality!
#PurpleBottleinEveryHousehold #100OrdersPerDayequalsOneGoodJob
As she says this goes for all black owned business. Why the hell don’t we just buy black first and keep trying. We may have hits and misses but we may also find new gems. We should share our successes (feel free to share any discoveries with us here at UI).
True Laundry Detergent can be picked up on Amazon here