We as a community have sought to level up in knowledge and insight of the world in which we are living. The premise is that we cannot increase intellect to improve living conditions without the study of knowledge, primarily of the past.
We have attempted to understand and change the world from the foundation of a historical timeline developed from blatant disinformation. The truth of our history is either concealed or presented as grossly falsified, Eurocentric narratives.
The receipt of wrong information or no information about our history, has resulted in a skewed perspective of ourselves and the world. We only now realize the effect of negative and inaccurate perception of our origins. We wholeheartedly believed that if we “placed” the right person in leadership over us, we would FINALLY attain desired outcomes.
This is why the possibility of Donald Trump in that position scares the hell out of us.
We have claimed the term “intellectual”, defined as a person possessing a highly developed intellect, synonymous with the terms intelligent, clever, academic, educated, well read, lettered, erudite, cerebral, learned, knowledgeable, literary, bookish, highbrow, scholarly, studious, enlightened, sophisticated, and cultured. Well, let’s begin to apply our intellect to manifest the ideals developed in this think tank called Urban Intellectuals.
During the last few years on UI, we have held “healthy” intellectual discourse to determine how the problems of the present resulted from mindsets and actions of the past. In retrospect, we realize that one of the central purposes of debating with other intellects is to highlight just how much we don’t know, but think we do. Debate has allowed for the process of abandoning the false history narrative, so that we could begin implementing the true history.
During this time, people consistently asked “so what do we do about our problems?” It seems that we spent too much time preoccupied with ‘whom’ was not doing ‘what’, arguing about the falsified history, and did not spend enough time gaining knowledge about the concealed history. We argued amongst ourselves, losing focus of what we wanted, and in some instances became enemies along the way.
On this journey, we have increased our consciousness that the dark times are necessary for the perfecting process of our people. We have gained more knowledge about the forces that operate around us, and begun to understand why we have not experienced the change we claim to want.
One of the most important revelations was also that we have been giving our power to entities outside of ourselves, hoping for an effect, after blaming ourselves as the sole cause for a lack of change. Donald Trump as a candidate has opened our eyes to the illusion that the state has our best interest in mind, or that it could create outcomes specific to our successful survival.
The Law of Cause and Effect
The universal Law of Cause and Effect states that “for every effect there is a definite cause, likewise for every cause there is a definite effect. Thoughts, behaviors, and actions create specific effects that manifest and create your life as you know it.”
It is science then, that what is given energy and attention, is manifested after a series of repeated behaviors. What you don’t want, but put energy and attention to, will manifest like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The reason the elite, source of said falsified and concealed history, maintain the hierarchy of supremacy over the masses, is because they understand the power of this universal law. They put concerted effort into manifesting what they DO want. They are masters of creating the illusion that what THEY want, is what WE ought to want.
This is the effectiveness of white supremacy; altering history to a Eurocentric viewpoint, indoctrinate the masses through curriculum and media, and controlling discussion beyond controlled topics of discussion and desired outcomes. The elite understand the power of providing a false narrative, and hiding information such as the ability to create one’s own reality.
The most profound revelation in the context of that knowledge, is that our Ancestors are the source of it. However, we as a people were forced to waste time focusing on what we DON’T want. We also waste time focusing on what we have been TOLD to think we want, which ALWAYS leads to a reality of Eurocentrism. The result, is more of the same undesired outcomes, namely powerlessness and hopelessness, year after year, decade after decade.
The tears that were shed in the last week over having to come out of our comfort zone, represented the disbelief in our own power to create and effect change in OUR reality. We seem to have wanted someone to continue to do it for us.
The elite will gladly give oversight to the direction of humanity, even if the outcome is certain demise. Let us become masters of our own destiny. The evidence that we may not be ready, is people out in the streets marching and protesting what they don’t like or want, instead of building what they do want, from a foundation of knowing who they ARE.
Finding Our Way Home
It is time to leave the plantation.
We have read the books in the library. We have moved into higher positions in the big house. We have gossiped and backstabbed those who work the field, and those who work in the big house. The master and his wife have nothing to offer us but more generations of hard labor and punishment, creature comforts and entertainment to buffer the pain of not being “good enough”, genocide through various means of help and ‘aid’, and pretending to coexist with groups of people who hate us.
We have beaten and now medicated our children into complying and being “good citizens” to avoid the whip and prison long enough.
There aren’t enough degrees to attain, letters to put behind our names, awards to win, or money to fill our bank accounts to replace the power of learning that we are our Ancestors, and finding a way to build an existence we can thrive in and be proud of.
Many in our community seem to want to continue debating on why we didn’t attain another master to oversee our affairs and well-being in America.
Logic should reveal to us that the voting ritual was never ours to use for a means of liberation, but is rather the elite system of seating plantation overseers. Also, we must understand that intellect reveals the ego’s need for comfort and adulation. When the ego does not receive either, or is not sufficiently satisfied in the false need for acceptance, it becomes obsessive in pursuit of reassurance, even from a toxic source that lacks the desire or capacity to give it.
The system will use our excellence and energy in every aspect until it consumes us, and there will be no accolades. We will continue to feel empty and used individually and collectively, continuing to force the next generation to work harder to attain respect and acceptance once and for all. The peace and acceptance of who we are can only come from within, NEVER without.
Donald Trump as a presidential candidate might possibly be our path to self-sufficiency.
This charade has shown us the most accurate view of the current social climate. This campaign ritual has conjured emotional triggers that need purging from a civilization.
Evolution and survivability for the various groups of people who dwell here and around the globe cannot occur in a supremacist hierarchy. In the context of cause and effect, we can shake the scales off of our eyes, the shackles off of our minds, and begin to pursue liberation for ourselves. Had we continued on in our comfy bubble of illusion, we might have remained blind and bound to false hopes and security of the government, and eventually succumbed to the environment of covert hate.
Just as the good witch showed Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, the elite behind the curtain are frauds, and they are only surviving off of our ignorance, borrowed knowledge, and time. The courage, heart, and intellect have been within us the entire time to find our way home. When we are ready.
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