I am tired, President Obama, of hearing white folks (and some Black ones, too) who tell us that we are so ignorant that we only voted for you because you are Black…that WE didn’t know what we were doing or what you really stood for. I don’t know about anyone else, but I most certainly did.
I am also tired, President Obama, of hearing Black folks call you an elitist (which you are) without understanding the full extent of that elitism.
I want to make a statement and then ask you a couple of real plain and insightful questions, just for us OTHER elitist Blacks who were told we are “African” American, but don’t really know where the hell in Africa we came from (but you do).
Let me make a disclaimer first: Just because I’m a pro-Black elitist doesn’t mean I’m anti-white, and that is for the white Kansan in you and the white Alabamian in me, too.
I voted for you because in 2007, when I first heard your name and didn’t know who in the hayell you were because I don’t live in Illinois nor did I know more than two or three people from Chicago at the time, I made it my business to go look you up and figure it out first. We had Google and I used it.
If I could take the time to find out who Bill Clinton was, and I’m not from Arkansas either; surely I could find out what the heck a “Barack Obama” was. I was about to swear you were from, like, Calcutta, India, or something like that there with that name; but I nearly lost my wind when I found your picture and discovered you were OMG, Blacker than me.
First thing I thought was … Hm. This is going to be a HELL OF A FIGHT, but I had this gut feeling you were up for it and once I read your initiating campaign letter, I threw my “head” in the ring with your hat.
People get offended when I talk about the spiritual aspect of this, so Ill just keep that between me and the Good Lord. However, I voted for you because …
(a) Ninety-eight percent (98%) of what you said about “America being better than the way it has performed in the past” was absolutely true.
I won’t dicker on promises and which ones you kept and which ones you didn’t because I was well aware that you weren’t going to be able to keep them all anyway. If you were white/WHITE, you couldn’t have kept them all, so the jury was out on whether or not you were going to be able to keep even 25-percent of them considering all of the last-minute sabotage efforts hurled at you by the growing Teabag Hat-headed Party coming out of America’s most decrepit hoots and hollers.
It’s always something with them, so if it isn’t pointy-headed white sheets that they need to put back on their Mama’s beds and wake up after their anti-psychotic meds have had time to work, it’s them running all over the place looking like Minnie Pearl by the head and calling themselves defending an America that truly didn’t ask for their help.
(b) I knew, or at least sensed in my soul, there you were just about as clueless and out of touch with the “average” Black American (because I wasn’t born on YOUR side of the tracks … hell, I haven’t even BEEN to Hawaii) as John McCain was clueless and out of touch with “average” Americans, BUT … I was hoping you’d serve as a Front Point Guard to learn SOME Black folks a lesson about NOT VOTING and not controlling the conversation in their local party politics.
Well … you didn’t take the exact route I was hoping for, but shoot … six of one, half a dozen of the other, right? It got done.
Black folks (my kind) are waking up and paying attention now like never before; and if you had not run and won, they’d still be sleeping. That’s a VERY good thing. And, uhm…
That’s it. Those are the only two MAIN reasons I voted for you.
The details in the fact that I agreed with 98-percent of the platform you campaigned on is too tedious to go into now, but if you ever get a chance – read my book The United States of Georgia. I ain’t as scholarly as you when I write – I write out of passion and love of topic; but I documented the holy hell I went through in Georgia trying to wake up the Black folks in my own community. In so doing, I discovered something that shocked the crap out of me … there are a lot of white folks in Georgia (that’s right) who voted for you, too, but they’ll never tell. I watched them and heard them whisper it in my ear, but I won’t turn them in either, and I know some of them by name.
So with that said, here are my questions:
1) Are you the same man now that you were in 2007-2008?
2) What has changed, if anything?
3) Did you really want to be a “war” President? Why not? (I’m assuming here, I know…)
4) Did you really start off grassroots, or is the conspiracy theory about the Koch Brothers backing you and trying to pretend they R E A L L Y hate your guts true? (Not THAT Koch, them other Kochs…).
5) Why do so many people who once trusted you think you are such a disappointment now?
Here’s one for the elitist “Say It Loud I’m Black and I’m Proud” old school artsy-fartsy James-Browns-type down home folks who didn’t think we’d be alive to see you (or one like you) come to [power?]!
The way you choose to answer those questions, should you do it, will help me decide if you are really the “uppity Harvard snob-type” elitist most seem to think you are. Maybe you’re more “down” than we give you credit for, but then again maybe you’re like Joseph C. Phillips, that asshole pontificating signifying elitist Black man who wishes he was white. (eeewww!!!)
I’ve been at the dining tables and in the companion of some of Georgia’s most “elect and elite” whites, some very upscale sophisticated and intelligent  BUT very snooty Blacks, sat in trailer parks and did Jello shots with Skeeter and Tammy Sue and backed up on the stoop talking “welfare woes” with Pookie and Shaniqua. Yeah, Skeeter and Tammy Sue were on welfare, too, but since we’re always the American Poster Kids for that BS, may as well play it like it’s been played.
I came of age as a frontline beneficiary of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, came out of some pretty rough projects down south in a HIGHLY segregated era in America AFTER attending integrated schools up north, finished high school as a single mother, raised four abandoned boys alone and ALL by myself, went to college, worked, and went from a job paying $1.35 an hour in the 1970s to a six-figure salary in the late 1990s before I came as close as I needed to to giving up once and for all (shoot, I ought to run for President my damned self with that kind of background and history, lol). But seriously …
6) Here’s the other half-dozen: I just wanna know — Who ARE you, really?
Signed, “Reneegede” of Atlanta, GA