A little transparency disclaimer up front: I’m not a huge fan of rap music, and I say that with yet another disclaimer in mind … there are a couple, and I do mean a couple, of exceptions whose names I will not call out for obvious reasons.
However, upon hearing the news that Jay Harris, one of the top high school football prospects in Pennsylvania and a senior at Downington High School East in Philadelphia is giving up a full ride scholarship to play college football at Michigan State University next year in order to pursue a rap star career, I’ve developed another theory about the genre, bar the few exceptions who actually do make good music … Just how stupid is that?
It’s a mixed bag, really; because he has about as much chance of becoming a superstar rap artist as he does becoming a superstar football player, but it is yet another example of a young Black man being taken down a very white and wrong road either way.
At least with the shot at college through playing football, he could have gotten a college degree at the same time … but to his credit, he DID say “I can go to college later.” History has shown that most folks who put off a college education nearly never end up going back, with rare exceptions.
History has also shown that all some white Americans think Black people are good for is sports and entertainment, so either way it goes…Jay Harris was already one more Black man slated by a white man’s pencil-thin-lipped rubbernecked theories to become nothing meaningful that would have enhanced Harris’s own personal life, or the Black community in which he was reared on some level.
I watched a portion of Harris’s half-baked “rap video debut” on “Fox DatNewsrag,” which news rag has an overwhelmingly nauseating need to portray Black people in any negative light they can make up, let alone dig out of the media garbage cans; but this one took the cake and the ice cream.
Here’s a guy who is clearly aping the rap stars he’s seen way too much of on television and videos, and repeating not what he knows or has experienced in life, but what he’s seen on other rap videos. Then one of the news anchors on Fox asks a really stupid question, like “Can’t he rap and go to college at the same time?” Well, d’uh. Answers another one “Now when he accepts that Grammy, I want apologies from both of you.”
Personally, I can understand why the school said that the revocation of the scholarship was “mutual.” Why in the world would they want something like that representing their college football team? He clearly doesn’t make a pretty PR picture for the school in that get-up.
But the real issue – and this applies to young Black men everywhere – the last thing Black people, the community, and even–and I will take the position–his own Black family, needs is one more ‘white man’s boot-lickin’ lackey’ showing up in the music industry looking like a screaming-about-nothing-important pants-dropping jungle freak whose only mission in life is to drink, do drugs and screw all the women he can find while they simultaneously use him as a prop to make more white people richer.
Like most of them, even if he does make it, he’s still a media prop, because they’ve got plenty of mechanisms already in place to make sure he loses every penny of it before he’s 30. Needless to say, Jay-Z and a couple of others are at the top of the food chain — pretty much in the same position as anyone would be in an identical music industry multi-level pyramid marketing scheme.
The poor child, Jay Harris, even has a white guy sitting next to him firing up whatever it is they are smoking … a clear and convincing signal that just one more young Black man with long-term potential is about to get seriously screwed by a white music industry that destroys nearly everything Black people get their hands on. They even took our creative mainstay in “rap” and hip-hop that was nurtured in the Black community as a good thing and turned it into something that really is fit for nothing other than the spiritual and literal trash pile.
Just for the record, “Datwhiteboy” sitting next to him in this video is going to have a double-degree in Math & Engineering from a top-notch major Ivy League college with a six-figure salary at some Silicon Valley high tech corporation while “Datbull” is sitting in the streets having some major ‘datbearmarket‘ regrets before he is old enough to know what a regret is.
Buried deep somewhere inside of this particular brand of whitenized “skank-style” rap music is not music, or creativity, or anything worth listening to; but the fulfillment of some highly racist white people’s home-grown fetishes about everything nasty and filthy and derogatory that they have ever thought up or imagined about Black men and Black women.
Jay “DatLoser” isn’t really doing what he wants to do, he’s doing what Joe “DatKrakka” expects him, and others like him, to do.
The future does not bode well for him, and chances are highly likely that he will become just another rappin’ ni&&er on the streets for them to get their rocks off on the next time they want to prove to the world what ignorant uneducated sell-out failures Black people really are.
Harris isn’t going to be promoted as a rapper with tremendous potential and a bee-line to rich mental indigents like Jay-Z and his kind; he’s being leveraged as more proof that young Black men who like “acting white” like this are easily taken down, and out for the count.
It wasn’t three days ago that I spoke with a colleague in Virginia by telephone. She related to me a program at her children’s school where the Nikki Giovanni book “Hip Hop Speaks to Children: A Celebration of Poetry with a Beat” was the centerpiece of the program. These were fifth and sixth graders, she said, who could spit out “Rapper’s Delight” like nobody’s business, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. The rap music genre was initially rooted in the best of the best in the industry without any white person’s endorsement or interference, and “Rapper’s Delight” was one of those original grooves that had a beat and a reason to rhyme.
What was painful to hear was when she said “Do you know that not one of those children, fifth and sixth graders mind you, could READ the rap rhymes from the book?” They were struggling to read words that they should have learned in kindergarten, during their Dr. Seuss “Hop on Pop” stage; but when asked to perform–they could pull off a rap rhyme like nobody’s business. Reminded me of children who can curse, but if you ask them to spell the word they just let fly out of their mouths…nothing comes out.
By the way, and just for the record, the Grammys don’t mean what they used to mean any more; so this kid being rewarded in the long run, even if he does make it, doesn’t set a good precedent for other young Black men to follow.
That’s just one more wannabe street rapper “DatBlackPeople” don’t need.