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Darren Wilson Started At A Police Force So Racist Everyone Was Fired | Urban Intellectuals

Darren Wilson Started At A Police Force So Racist Everyone Was Fired

by | Aug 25, 2014 | News | 0 comments

Ferguson police officer, Darren Wilson, got his start as a police officer in Jennings, Missouri. This police force was disbanded, everyone was fired, because of the racial tensions according to the Washington Post. Authorities felt the racial tensions and performance of all the cops was too bad to right the ship and felt firing everyone to start fresh would be the best option.

According to the Washington Post:

The old Jennings Police Department as “a mainly white department mired in controversy and notorious for its fraught relationship with residents, especially the African American majority… not an ideal place to learn how to police.”

darren-wilson1Wilson was a rookie cop on the force in Jennings, Missouri. This happened three short years ago, but was the breeding ground for Wilson to learn the protocols of the police world.

Darren Wilson was about to move to another police force and get a job in Ferguson, MO. He never received any citations for work, even got a commendation for his performance.

However, these is a cloud floating over his head now over the killing of Michael Brown. Many in the black community feel this information about how Wilson started as a cop with this racist police department influenced how he handled the situation with young Mr. Brown.

The incident sparked nationwide protest and outrage poured into the streets of Ferguson, MO. The demonstrations and protest have been widely reported, peaceful and seems to be a step in the right direction for healing of a community and family who lost another young, black man.

Today, August 25th, 2014, the funeral of Michael Brown was held. Hopefully, the family and people can find some piece at this terrible time.

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