Cuteness Alert: 2 Yr Old UK Rapper Khaliyl Iloyi Showing He Has Mad Flow

by | Dec 14, 2015 | Positivity | 0 comments

Its not everyday you come across an artist you never heard off and and as soon as you hear their music, you smile and fall in love with it. If you think that is rare, imagine that artist being only 2yrs old. UK Rapper Khaliyl Iloyi is only 2yrs old but gets his skills from his father Iloyi. Although he is barely pronouncing his words correctly, what is undeniable is that this kid has rhythm, flow, and talent.

The sky is the limit for 2 year old UK rapper Khaliyl Iloyi. I’m sure as he gets older, he will become more skilled and may even become an artist that makes a serious impact on music. All in all, lets show this kid some love and make him go viral. His music demands it. Check out 2 year old UK rapper Khaliyl Iloyi rapping with his dad Femi Iloyi and putting lots of today’s rappers to shame!

2 Year Old Rapper with Flow!

2 year old rapper with flow! ON MUZU

Posted by Music Crowns on Saturday, April 27, 2013

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