Crowd’s Racist Chants Brought this Soccer Player to Tears

by | Feb 12, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments

This is reminiscent of the Cam Newton situation only it’s about ten times worse. Mario Balotelli is a 25 year old, 6’2 professional soccer player for the national Italy team. Although it is common for fans from an opposing to shout at the opponents in an attempt to distract them in this situation the fans took it way too far.

To make up racial chants and shout them at anyone is racist and disrespectful. This transpired at a game when Balotelli’s team played at Napoli. Because he is an African dark skinned man, the fans and a sports illustrator thought it was acceptable to refer to him as King Kong. An Italian sport’s illustrator even drew a picture of Balotelli climbing England’s Big Ben.

Mario-BalotelliThe illustrator drew a picture of the body of King Kong with Balotelli’s face on it while swinging at soccer balls. Balotelli has been the target of racist epithets in the past targeting the color of his skin and his African heritage. He has also faced anti-Jewish bigotry due to the fact that he was raised by a Jewish woman.

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In the game, Mario was seen crying, and most of the audience concluded that this was because of the racist chants that were directed to him during the game. When Balotelli’s coach was asked about the tears he quoted saying, “What can I say about Balotelli’s tears?” he continued. “They were the tears of a sportsman.” Still most of the people who have seen the incident believe that those tears were due the discrimination.

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