The power of people never fails to amaze me. As the world is changing around us at a rate we can’t keep up with people and movements are setting sights on longer term goals.
Racism, the state things are in, and the fact that others are born with privilege due to skin color, ethnicity or hertage simply should not be a 2016 issue. But clearly it still is.
Black Lives Matter is doing amazing things but outside of the black community some have failed to understand that the struggle of blacks in America and around the world also impacts their communities.
Other minorities and whites alike are starting to ally, show support at protests and push the movement.
Now, a new initiative, started by hundreds of Asian-Americans has created an open letter to explain the black lives matter movement and call for inter-minority solidarity.
It’s a hell of a letter and is now being translated into many languages focused on many minorities.
You HAVE to read the letter, share with minority friends and maybe help translate if you can.
It can be found here: