When this story broke, I thought it was clearly satire and didn’t even bother to reference the source. I thought there was no way a minister, man of God would campaign a donation drive to buy an extravagant item.
I was wrong.
Rather, Creflo Dollar was wrong by leaving many people outraged over his request for donations to buy him and the ministry a $65 million dollar G650 jet.
According to a story from The Christian Post, on Friday, a video was posted on one of his ministries websites looking for “200,000 people committed to sow $300 or more [to] help achieve our goal to purchase the G650 airplane.”
“If all of our existing partners were to sow $300 each, from all over the world, we’d be able to acquire this jet in a very, very short period of time,” Dollar associate Rick Hayes says in the video.
“If all of our existing partners were to sow $300 each, from all over the world, we’d be able to acquire this jet in a very, very short period of time,” Dollar associate Rick Hayes says in the video.
Social media was on fire as people talked about how disappointed and upset they were at Dollar and his ministrieds. At the end of the weekend, things changed.
Monday, Dollar’s public relation firm issued a statement saying “Project G650” was on hold. Yes, they called it “Project G650”.
“There is no campaign right now,” Juda Engelmayer of 5W Public Relations told The Christian Post on Monday.
According to Engelmayer, the ministry would still consider purchasing a plane “If one comes along that is properly priced and is sufficient and workable perhaps … .”
SOUND OFF: What do you think of Creflo Dollar?
Source:Â http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2015/03/televangelist_creflo_dollar_ba.html