COVER-UP? Black Louisiana Teen Found Dead In A Lake With His Organs Removed In “Accidental Drowning”

by | Mar 23, 2017 | News | 6 comments

14-year-old Jason Smith was found dead in an Eros, Louisiana lake. His death was deemed an accidental drowning but his body was found with no organs.

His family believe they know who killed their son, they know why the organs were removed and that he was also raped prior to being killed.

But why would someone cover up a murder? Smith’s family believe it’s because the murderer was a KKK card carrying son of an FBI agent.

It sounds far-fetched but the missing organs mean that maybe this murder should have gotten more attention. At the time of death, he was found dead on June 6, 2011, the media was very light in the coverage of his death and very little details were released.

As well as saying that his son was sexually assaulted and murdered by the son of an FBI agent, Jason’s father claims that the police tried to kill him and another of his sons when they were leaving town.

A petition that asked to reopen the case and exhume Jason’s Remains never gained traction, likely due to the low media coverage.

Is this just conspiracy or should we give Smith’s family the dignity of trying to push for further investigation?

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  1. jacrencath

    Reopen this case and press hard to solve this. Do not leave a damn stone unturned until all involved are brought to court and sentenced.

    • Diane

      Don’t give up fight fight and fight! Expose the people!
      Stay in the public eye never isolate yourself. Always keep tons of people around you.
      Than sue when the results come back!

  2. Esther

    They should definitely reopen this case. What is wrong with this world now days. This is someones child and they deserve to know the truth and bring these cowards to justice.

  3. Mildred Willingham

    Definitely reopen this case! What sick pedophile gets away with raping a child, and remove his organs. Did the cowards drown him before they removed his organs??

  4. Carlianzo Wilson

    Need to hang them like they do us. Fuck it.


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