Columbus, Ohio – While serving a warrant in West Columbus, a Franklin County Sheriff’s deputy was shot. The shooting and arrest, not killing, happened on Dec. 5th, 2014. Many are happy the officer survived, but puzzled by the unbalanced treatment of suspects by the police force across the country.
Deputy Sean Brady, a 23 year veteran of the sheriff’s department and a member of the SWAT team, was hit in the shoulder during the exchange of gunfire and rushed to Mt. Carmel West.
The deputy came to the neighborhood to serve the warrant on 47 year-old Daniel White after his parents called 911 saying their son was armed and threatening to kill himself.
Sheriff Zach Scott said Deputy Brady is in stable condition and will recover.
In the wake of the Grand Jury decisions to not indict officers on the unarmed killings of Eric Garner, Michael Brown of Ferguson, Mo, and John Crawford in Ohio, something just doesn’t add up. We are constantly being told each case is handled individual and we are overreacting because police treat every suspect the same, but the outcomes are continuously different when the skin colors are switched.
Armed and shooting white people are routinely negotiated with and captured by the police force. However, unarmed, black men are being shot down in the street with not even a jury case. This isn’t right and i’m not sure how long this country, the judicial system, politicians and police force think the black community going to continue to sit on the sidelines and watch.
Something has got to give and cannot be more lives of unarmed, black men before we get real justice and equality in this country.
– Source