Luke Cage is making serious waves, not only is it one of the most unapologetically shows on the box (on, it’s on Netflix but you get me)! It’s also facing some issues and making less than subtle references.
Old school soundtrack, stylised filming, it’s slick. And Cage is a mountain, beefed up, bulletproof and black.
When many viewers saw the bulletproof black man strutting down a hallway in a hoodie it sent a message. Many thought of Trayvon Martin.
During the shows development Cage was supposed to wear a yellow hoodie. In 2014, during filming, Eric Garner died and the air was tense. They decided to make a dark hoodie, and Cage actor Mike Colter said to the Huffington Post:
“It’s a nod to Trayvon, no question,”
“Trayvon Martin and people like him. People like Jordan Davis, a kid who was shot because of the perception that he was a danger. When you’re a black man in a hoodie, all of a sudden you’re a criminal. That’s something we shouldn’t have to deal with, but we do. It’s a double standard. We can’t cover our head when it’s cold and raining because God forbid someone sees us and puts our life in danger. We wanted to pay homage to that—it’s not something we were shying away from.”
Talking about the lack of justice served in police brutality Colter said:
“When we were filming this, there were different things going on,”
“Eric Garner, the policemen were acquitted. No one was brought to justice. There was no handing out of any sentence. There are a couple of other things that happened during the time we were filming. We were watching the news, and it was always someone being shot who was unarmed, and there is no justification for it. It’s mind-boggling.”
Luke Cage, we are glad to have you!