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Colin Powell Called a “N*gger” and “Slave” by Conservatives After Endorsing Hilary Clinton | Urban Intellectuals

Colin Powell Called a “N*gger” and “Slave” by Conservatives After Endorsing Hilary Clinton

by | Oct 31, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments

Although Colin Powell is a Republican, he cast his vote for Barack Obama twice and now he’s endorsing Hillary Clinton. He said he will remain a Republican but he is simply choosing who he believes to be the best candidate. A position that carries so much power in the country should be given to a well deserving candidate. A candidate’s political party should not matter, you should always pick the candidate who is the most responsible and would do what’s best for the country. Colin Powell does not believe that Donald Trump is the best candidate and therefore he will not be voting for him.

Powell believes Trump is terrible for the image of this country and could ruin relationships with our allies. Relationships that took a very long time to establish.

Emails were leaked of Powell calling Trump “a racist” and “a national disgrace.” His Republican counterparts are not happy and didn’t hold back when expressing their feelings about Powell.

A spokesman for the National White Alliance, Brian Blank, said Powell wasn’t “a real Republican” while questioning his religious background. “Powell looks and sounds like a Muslim,” said Blank in a press release. “He has said sympathetic things about Obama. Maybe they worship Allah together?”

Deplorable right-wing radio show host Michael Savage called Powell “a militant, black leftist.” “He was for affirmative action and reparations..he’s likely affiliated with the Black Panthers,” Savage said on his radio show.

The commenters on right-wing site Free Republic were even worse. Some of them called Powell, a Vietnam veteran and former secretary of state, an “unpatriotic n*gger” and an “affirmative action Bush baby.” A poster on the site that goes by Rennes Templar wrote: “He (Powell) likes being a slave.”

Should he be shocked? Of course not. They’re not saying anything new. Donald Trump just gave all of them the social media courage they needed to actually say it out loud instead of behind his back.

Story continued on next page…
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