Once again, we Black people and Americans find ourselves stuck in the middle of someone else’s controversial Internet heatwave.
This time the “stick-and-move hit’n’run race-mongering apologist” company is called Just Add A Kid, which is based out of San Diego under a corporate-controlled entity called Thanks A Million.
And this time, (yadda yadda whopdedoop) the Just Add A Kid clothing line for children is under fire after a T-shirt featuring a monkey’s body was paired with a cardboard cutout showing an African-American boy’s face. [New York Daily News]
If justice were truly served, it’s just as easy to racially depict the white kid with the military garb on the left as a ‘Tea Party activist and militia-clad baby killer/school shooter’ as it is to see the racial mutation in this “monkey-suited black child” on the right.
On the left is the white ravaging pirating killer; and on the right is the innocent Black child, forever hunted, harmed, and victimized.
George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin all over again with the rest of us stuck in the middle of that kind of illicit venomous racial hatred. Wonder what would have happened if the white kid had been in the monkey suit and the Black kid in the military garb? (Shades of Chris Dorner-because either way this could have gone, the Black child was doomed to be depicted negatively; and what of the little monkey with the white-kid-head? Just extreme button-nosed cuteness…you little effin’ monkey, you…)
But here’s the deal with this kind of thing: Whomever did this knew exactly what they were doing when they did it. There is no “big misunderstanding” to misinterpret: Different skin colors, different points of view. If they did not know it, they really were born last night.
Let’s take a look at the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia to get a clue, and a glimpse at why Black Americans would find this kind of imagery “offensive.”
Sans all of the other racial offenses that have come back to the forefront since mid-2008 –things like President Barack Obama in Aunt Jemima garb and headwrap, First Lady Michelle Obama being depicted as ‘Zera’ on Planet of the Apes, the New York Post cover with a cop gunning down, ONCE AGAIN, an “ape” lying in the streets, etc etc etc ‘ad nauseum’– the first thing to keep in mind is that white people themselves say that they are actually the descendants of apes and monkeys. They say that they are the ones who came out of the sunlight-deprived caves and frozen tundras of the Caucasus Mountains clothed in animal skins from their daily beast kills; and this is a place that we know for a fact that no Black people originated from.
While they believe themselves to have derived from apes, they consider Blacks to be a LOWER ORDER of apes who came from white people; yet, nothing could possibly be further from the truth.
Time, history, geography, and scientific observation and testing have conclusively proven that to be untrue.
That may be their story, but it is certainly not ours. However, their own story of their own scientific origins certainly explains a lot about their own behaviors. That is the story they tell about themselves, not the one we made up for them.
According to the Museum archives and timeline:
1900Â The Negro A Beast.
This book, published by Charles Carroll, claimed that Blacks were more akin to apes than to human beings, and theorized that Blacks had been the “tempters of Eve.” Carroll said that mulatto brutes were the rapists and murderers of his time.
 It’s not hard to fathom how they can continue to do such racist things and then feign total innocence once they’ve gotten their free advertising and unpaid welfare promotions on the worldwide web of social media.
At the end of this long and storied road about racial impropriety, with one attack after another coming at the expense of America’s most controversial and unjustly treated citizens, is the absolute truth as to why certain white people obsess and fixate on things like “black man as ape” and his children and women as monkeys and plantation picaninnies.
They (those who do these things)Â know that their own ancestors are totally to blame for all of this, being that they are the original apes and monkeys of the antiquities. It means to them that they have the right (and the unmitigated gall, at that) to wear this socially and psychologically mental malfeasance called “racism” all over the place like an unfurled ‘badge of pride’.
The burden of the proof of evil coming out of Black America is seated squarely on their shoulders, since that is the case and they are obviously admitting to it. This kind of consistent racism is quite possibly the only way they know of coming to terms with their own sins and those of their ancestors.
Since this is what they choose to believe, it means that everything that has gone wrong with Black people in America – even the ape-like behaviors – is a direct result of their own white-skinned ancestor’s teachings and actions.
Those actions are then proliferated and after-patterned to this very day, just like the filial imprinting of the animal kingdom. In other words, Black people who “act like monkeys and apes” are only ‘acting white,’ which is how they were trained to act BY whites.
These racists, their own ape ancestors that is, were never properly trained to act like human beings at inception; so they would not have been able to teach Africans how to behave properly.
Their behaviors simply rubbed off on many of our Black ancestors during the misappropriated use of Africans during the trans-Atlantic slave passages.