Today marks the end of Black History Month 2015 and the beginning of Black History Year 2015. Anything worth one month has to be worth the entire year, including the celebration of parents, grandparents, and anything else we consider worthwhile.
Attorney General Eric Himpton Holder, Jr. has officially left office after taking the flinging flaying darts and arrows of more than a thousand homemade American haters and the most cruel and wicked spirits in Washington, DC since the beginning of this incorporated nation’s history.
He has emerged from it all without so much as the smell of smoke on his clothing; for refusing to bow down to the demi-gods of the independently self-righteous and repugnantly indignant and the erroneously arrogant of the land.
He is a staunch reminder of what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego must have looked like after they were cast in the fiery furnace as they were supposed to go up in flames for the pronunciation of their unwavering faith in the everlasting one and only Almighty God.
Now that Holder is out of office, and it appears -against Republican opposition (again)- that a Black woman by the name of Loretta Lynch will be taking his job, I have to say that this is why I voted for President Barack Obama.
I wanted powerful and positive images of Black men on a NATIONAL level for younger Black men to look at and see that life is not what we have been taught to believe and that all things are possible.
I wanted them to understand that THEY have to be the change and the miracle they want to see in their own lives and ‘hoods. Everything I voted for has been fulfilled.
What people have failed to understand about Holder’s departure is that he is more dangerous out of the national spotlight than he was in it.
What about you?
Are you down for the cause of justice, or are you just hanging around town for the drinks and entertainment?