Personally, I am all for the separation of Church and State, but believe any one should have religious freedom in this country and world. I also thought this decision to have a separation of Church and State was already solved, but guess that isn’t the case.
Recently, a committee in the Alabama’s House of Representatives approved a bill requiring prayer in schools. This is downright ridiculous, but the committee didn’t just stop there. They are requiring 15 minutes of Christian prayer each morning. The participation is to include teachers and students.
Clearly, Alabama must have some of the most dense people in the country to think this is going to almost stand. Not only is their to be prayer, but Christian prayer only. Ridiculous.
Alamaba is said to be the “2nd most religious state” in the union behind Mississippi, but the tag should include Christian state. If this isn’t a play by someone for the so called “religious vote”, I don’t know what it is. We know mid-term elections are rolling around here soon. Someone is playing to the religious fanatics.
From the Gawker:
But that stand seems lukewarm next to the current House measure’s planned compulsion of religion among captive pupils. The bill passed through the chamber’s education policy committee late last week, according to the Montgomery Advertiser:
The bill, sponsored by Rep. Steve Hurst, R-Munford, would require teachers to spend no more than 15 minutes in the first class of each day to read, verbatim, opening prayers said before a meeting of the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate.
Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin, R-Indian Springs, chairwoman of the committee, said she heard more votes in favor of the bill.
“It’s what I heard as chairman,” she said.
Only McClurkin and one other Republican on the panel actually voted “aye” on the bill. Two Republicans and one Democrat insist they said “no” to the bill in the voice vote; three legislators weren’t even present for the vote. The House’s clerk told the Advertiser that “the chairman of each committee has the discretion to decide the outcome of a voice vote.”
McClurkin also voice-voted through a bill “that would allow students to initiate prayer in school and express their religious views in their schoolwork.”
In my opinion, this is just a political play by McClurkin to be able to go back to her delegation and say they are righting to keep the Christian religion in schools. This should play well among the fan base.
My issue with all of this are what type of people do we have representing us as a country? An official will take advantage of the voice vote to win a few votes within their district wasting the tax payers time, energy, and money in the process.
But in the era when Republicans will try over 50 times to repeal Obama Care after the people voted to keep it, this does seem rather minor.