Church Collection: Single Mom Received a $1,000 Collection Notice For Not Tithing To The Church

by | Jul 21, 2015 | News | 1 comment

I know it is hard to believe, but you read that headline correctly. The church sent a collection notice for a deliquent member who didn’t tithe on schedule.

Candace Petterson began attending Greater Mount Moriah Primitive Baptist Church about six months ago after moving to the Tampa area. Like most Christians, she looked for a good church home to advance her spiritual growth, but her and her children received a surprise.

From RawStory:

Candace PettersonThe single mother said she received what amounted to a delinquency notice from her new church asking her to contribute $50 a month, along with other assorted fees, to remain a member in good standing and vote on church matters.

The predominantly black church, which has operated for more than a century, asked her to pay a yearly 0 anniversary fee and another 0 for Mount Moriah Day – amounting to ,000, some of which would be set aside to pay off church debt.

“What church charges you to help pay off what they’re going through?” Petterson said. “I’m not there for that.”

The letter, from assistant administrator Ladreda Spencer and Pastor B.R. Fulton Jr., also reminded Petterson that children – including her 11-year-old daughter – were expected to pay $5 a month to the church in addition to two annual $15 fees.

The letter notified Petterson, who said she had been unaware of the required contributions, that members fell into delinquency if they failed to make payments for three months or more, reported the Christian Post.

“In order to not be removed from the church roll, your attention to this matter [is] greatly appreciated,” the letter warned, but offered to grant her a 90-day “hardship” exemption.

Church officials acknowledged they sent the notice to Petterson, the TV station reported, but they declined to offer additional comments or explanation.

Stories like this raise the question on if churches should retain their tax exempt status, particularly if they are forcing their members to give to the church.

It is written that in order to keep their tax exempt status, donations to the church must be voluntary.

Doesn’t seem like this church…

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1 Comment

  1. Fredrick

    Are you open for a good dialogue and discussion?


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