On Saturday, Xinhua, the state news agency for China called the Syrian strike the act of a weakened politician who needed to flex his muscles.
The New York Times reported, “In an analysis, Xinhua also said Mr. Trump had ordered the strike to distance himself from Syria’s backers in Moscow, to overcome accusations that he was ‘pro-Russia.’ Over the weekend, Trump declared that the two leaders “made tremendous progress.”
As we know, Trump is at no loss for generic uneducated mismatched and artificial words when it comes to what is meant by “tremendous” and “progress.” We’re certain there was nothing tremendous about it and the only progress was for the life of Trump’s legacy, posing once again as the Leader he is not and can never be.
White males in American politics seem to believe that missile strikes and wars are all they need to prove their “credibility,” and for that, China was correct in saying Trump’s weak-ass approach to foreign policy did nothing but make him appear weaker, but they had the sense enough to wait until XI was out of the country before they went rogue on his dumb white ass, LOL.
“I just want to say that President Xi and all of his representatives have been really interesting to be with,” the U.S. president said following the meeting. “I believe lots of very potentially bad problems will be going away.”
“I just want to say…”
“President Xi and all of his representatives have been really interesting to be with.”
“I believe lots of potentially bad problems…”
“Will be going away.”
Let’s see if we can decipher or decode this mental third-graders words and see what the “bad problems” are that “will be going away.” And while we’re at it, think about why a state-run news agency in China would call Trump “weak” right after their leader is out of the country. Xi had to have told them to say it. If that’s not a hint, I don’t know what is, and some folks just don’t get it. Prolly never will, LOL.
1) China’s 9 million Homeless Children … Uhm no. America, a smaller nation by par, has 2.5 to 3 million children living in poverty and homelessness itself. Besides, Trump is too busy creating poverty to have the same policies as Xi to alleviate it, and Xi sticks and moves more like President Obama.
2) Beijing starts landmark medical reform … Uhm not. Trump is too busy killing progressive people-oriented medical reform to do something to improve it like the Chinese, and like President Obama strove to do. That’s not a ‘bad problem’ for which China would need his help, because they are better at it than he is; so if we weren’t busy buying all of China’s products and making them exorbitantly rich and carbon diseased at the same time, they would not have a medical system TO reform. Cross that one off Trump’s “Bad Problems to Solve” list with Xi.
3) Speaking of Bad Problems, as the Chinese people work to crack down on environmental pollution, Xi’s news agency was on target to point out Trump’s weak approach to environmental issues in America. National Geographic reports that Trump’s jealous “Obama rollbacks” are setting the stage to make China the Greatest Country in the World on handling air and water pollutants. President “Interesting to Be With” is handling his “bad problems” on the environment mighty fine, so Trump could stand to get another Pu$$y Grab on that matter.
4) China is becoming too much like America when it comes to European-inspired racism against Black people, considering they’re not white themselves. Scientific studies have proven that the Chinese are just deracinated Negroes anyway, so their euro-fears of “violent criminal Black people” is a bit overwhelming, to say the least. They need to cut the racist shit and watch a documentary like everyone else. It isn’t violent “Blah” people that they need to worry about, it’s the back-stabbing Trumpeteering kind who are the greatest danger of all to their newly-westernized way of life.
5) When President Barack Obama stepped into office in 2009, he was hot after the ideas of natural sources of energy, high-speed rail and re-teaching America to think on a global level about computers, coding and the future in high tech … but racist Republicanism, AND EVERYTHING IN AMERICA IS ABOUT RACE, cock-blocked him on every matter he tried to institute. Of course, they’ll “allow” Trump to orchestrate his Copy’n’Paste methodologies from President Obama’s playbook, but we will always know and give credit to the originator of it.For someone who was blocked and opposed by Republican racism purely on the merits of his skin color and race, and for someone who received that one and only 3 am “wakeup call” about the truth of racism in America on OUR watch, he did manage to accomplish many things in spite of their hatred of his beautiful African origins. And the most beautiful thing he accomplished of all things is the way he knocked a definitive gaping hole into the long-held notions of the race-whoring kind of an Antonin Scalia and Neil Gorsuch — especially about just who and what Black people really are.
We are saddened that he had to deal with -for eight whole years- what true Black America has had to deal with for more than 350 years, but he knocked a serious dent in all of that “race shit” that they had dragged through their own pig blood and monkey poop for centuries.
Let China grab Trump by the “p,” why would we care? They should do that and then some. America is no longer officially the greatest nation in the world in spite of its riches, it’s time to take China for a ride and see if they will do better … and so far, it’s looking real real good.
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24 Solar Terms
Xi Jinping’s assessment that Trump’s Syrian missile strike was launched because he has no balls and no intestinal fortitude, and that he went for the weak-ass media ruse comeback are STRAIGHT HEAD ON POINT. Don’t even bother falling for the okey-dokey on Rex Tillerson’s stretch on Syrian and sarin gas, America and Russia were the only ones stockpiling it and Assad didn’t have any sarin gas to bomb them with. It’s a distraction and an American false flag operation blamed on ISIS and aimed at taking life to make Trump’s illegitimacy seem more politically “presidential.” God will deal with him severely on that one.
In the meantime, for Black America, failure has never been, nor should it ever be, an option.
In spite of having at the helm in 2017 just one more big time American racist fool and weak-ass capitalistic leader, thank you President Xi, to add to the LOOOONNNNNGGG LIST with all of the others, we’ve seen worse than Trump — so let it be written, so let it be forecast, so let it be done.
Chinese Support Probe Into Use of Missile Attack. Precedent is strong worldwide that Trump committed an act of crimes against humanity in Syria as did Bush in Iraq, and our hope is that the Spanish Tribunal and United Nations will find this to be true. America already knows Trump to be treasonous, but Bush has Trump beaten on that score. Now we can say that the lowest performing President of all time, George W. Bush, is milestones ahead of Trump.