Racists in America, for many years, for more than a few centuries as a matter of fact, have spent a very long time crafting a dirty dark narrative about Black people that has never been true, but never really went away. Even in the midst of watching the worst of their own behaviors played out in the minds and attitudes and actions of enslaved, captured and circumstantially enraptured race-enamored Black people, white supremacists refuse to take responsibility for the ‘ugly’ character that they rubbed off on everyone else.
To watch Black people behave badly under white rule, as in “you treat me like an animal, then act like you’re surprised when I become one,” is one thing. You get it, but you don’t really get it because the alleged victim had the choice NOT to start acting out just because some white folks don’t know how to behave like human beings.
At the same time, the twist on it is that years and years of demoralizing and deplorable treatment meant to make a certain race of people look horrid just to justify profiting and benefiting from racism, or to hide internal sin, is not an accomplishment that should make any whites proud.
They say they want Black people to ‘take responsibility’ for their behavior and attitudes, but then they never take responsibility for their own behaviors and attitudes that cause degeneration and contribute to the problem in the first place. Truly, the onus is on them to stop it, or be stopped by it.
They will get the race war they want, but it will not come in the color or form that they think it will. To wit:
The “Black Brute” that they caricaturized in the public and private arenas for many MANY centuries was nothing more than their own savagery and criminality embedded into the minds of Black children from the moment they are born.
Far too many see us, an “older traditional people” in the Earth, as “big black and scary,” and they use those keywords to embody the reasons for their own ‘big black scary’ souls and minds every time they do things that they ought not to have done. They fear that what they have done is going to come around full circle and fall on their heads; and surely, God is a righteous God who will vindicate and justify what He will.
America was a 13-piece coastal prison system for brutish criminal whites/pirates and their “wenches” who were banished by the Queen of England; it did not begin under any notion undertaken in American history books nor by the ideas of any “christian” founding fathers of the loosely-written outdated Constitution.
She would ship them off in the hopes that they would fall over the edge of Earth never to be seen and heard from again.
Unfortunately for her, and for England, it turned out that the world was not flat, in fact; but round, and all they did was show back up months or even years later.
Their own brand of brute savagery, which resulted in psychosis for Black people–Black MEN in particular–has been the bane of their existence ever since. It is so deeply entrenched and rooted in the Black community that many of us have become “addicted to the drama”, seeing themselves only through the lies of drunken and/or drug-addicted racist whites, and we often fear to attempt to live without it. Their mental “monkey poo” has become a part of what we are and often aspire to be; and we have adapted it as our own lot in life.
The chickens have come home to roost.
Now the world knows that the violent mind of the white European -from the invention of guns and bullets to the use of illicit sex and drugs- is what gave rise to cultural violence in the heart of the Black community, in the nation and worldwide. They have no one to blame for it but themselves.
As America goes, so goes those who dwell within its gates. God is no respecter of persons, so white skin is not going to prevail over justice when it is time to put America in its place.
The “Picaninny” Black child was also some white man’s decision to portray Black children as “little coons” who spend a day mimicking their adults.
A picaninny, in the mind of a white person, is an animal made to look human who is easily frightened by anything, who acts up and behaves in a slovenly and unkempt manner. Picaninnies don’t bathe, don’t comb their hair, don’t take personal hygiene seriously, and they think nothing of living in dirt and eating the filthiest things they can get their hands on. They also don’t think much of educating themselves or learning to speak “proper English”.
Now the switch has flipped and the truth has spilled its brains into the streets.
White racist America chose for itself a resident President who is such a racist that they don’t care that he cannot spell nor form a complete coherent sentence, let alone speak English or use grammar properly…and he’s totally white.
They forced their own hand by trying to make others become what they themselves were not and it backfired on them. Turns out that they never had the smarts, nor the sophistication nor moral turpitude, nor even the spiritual convictions that they tried to force on others in order to be seen as “worthy.”
In so doing, it turns out that they are not worthy. They are not what they represented to the world, so when Barack and Michelle Obama came to the forefront, they were embarrassed to find themselves thrown into their own racist sludgepile.
By thy words thou are justified, and by thy words, thou are condemned. They have gone into panic mode to try and preserve their white nationalist heritage, their “Heritage Foundation,” but it is too late. They have been exposed and thrown under a national bus for the sick and delusional persons they are, and it can never be taken back.
In this final Trumpian bid to make white supremacy and misogyny and bigotry stick as it has in the past, they are attempting to again delude the American public into believing that white nationalism is the only way for America to be “great again,” but it is not working this time because it has been proven totally false. It is an “alternative fact” that is, quite simply enough, a lie; and sooner or later, even their public ruses to hide in blackface and commit crimes in order to blame Black skin for white sins is going to be fleshed out and exposed.
The “Tom” caricature is a bit precarious and problematic.
Tom has changed into many different things over time. He has become a juvenile or senile “coon” as juxtaposed to the white “Jim Crow” who has become “James Crowe III, Esquire.”
Tom is docile and subservient and OH SO’S HAPPY TO BE ON MAR’SRS PLANTATION amongst the leeks and garlic of spiritual Egypt; but Tom, or Uncle Tom, is often the token Negro or Uncle Remus or the Cream of Wheat box Black man who is propped up as an example of what a “good negro” should be.
To be sure, Tom is a good white man’s nigger, but he is also at times a ‘martyr for the cause’ who can do whatever he needs to do for the white folks in order to set the younger folks free, even if it costs him his life.
In a strange episodic melodramatic “boomerang,” a lot of Black people learned to use feigned ignorance to their advantage. They let whites believe what they want to believe if it gets them what they want or need, up to and including Black women who supposedly just “have more babies to get more welfare.” They actually believe that Black women are not human enough to have maternal instincts and dreams and hopes of love and family and happiness, even if they have to go about it in non-traditional ways or ways that are almost hopeless in the long run.
Everything from paid standup comedians to Black folks who are either overcoming or getting over, the white man’s need to believe all Blacks are ignorant is costing them in ways that they are not even aware of; and likely never will be.
The “Nigger” caricature goes a bit deeper than just a Tom or a ‘coon.’
The nigger -something Black people have learned through white psychosis to target and aim at one another and themselves- is not only a result of whites not being able to use their lips properly to pronounce the word “Niger,” but it provides a certain link back to the River Niger from which they brought many Black out of Africa and into this nation through the auspices of slavery.
It not only speaks of where many Black Africans came from, somewhere nearabouts The River Niger, but it is meant to be a derogatory term that can be equally applied to any and ALL Black people, regardless of their background and accomplishments in life.
It was used to define President Obama on their watch, and he was the last Black man in America who could even be thought of as an “ignorant nigger.”
Many Blacks consider themselves “unBlack,” or non-Black or “not African,” and even though President Obama was more “African-American” than most African-Americans, it is a good day for white supremacy to elevate itself to higher levels of support by using the idea that “all niggers look alike” to us.
President Obama, for a small space of time, got to know what it was like to be one of us, as even his official capacity and education and higher minded white upbringing was not enough to shield him from the fiery darts of racism in America.
Through their own fairytales about Black people in general, whites have revealed themselves as the internalized niggers that they claim others to be.
They internalize niggerism, or ignorance, through a white nationalist president by the name of Trump who rose up to power and prominence just because they had a desperate need to keep intact what their ancestors built the nation on.
Their time has run out.
It was necessary, as the Lord God and the world closes the chapters on long-held racist ignorance and arrogance that appeared to be permanent, to set Barack Obama up as the only one who could take the social hits that were to lay the foundation for its ultimate destruction.
“For that which you fear the most will be that which overtakes you and kills you the fastest.”
They do not have a bomb that can stop God from being God.
Their failure to repent and refusal to fix what they have done wrong is going to cause them to fall under its crushing weight at the appointed time. In the meantime, Black folk need to stop using christianity and any other religion as a fail-safe excuse to sit down and “wait on God.”
We still have HOMEwork to do while we wait for this redemption that is coming. Religion, especially the Judeo-Christian religion brought about by our Middle Eastern/Northern African ancestors, is not an excuse to be weak and irrational and non-functional.
As did Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and all of the elders and prophets who came before us, make righteous use of this old African proverb: When ye pray, move ye ass.

Pat Robertson: White Jesus and Christian Racism at its finest
The white man’s “bitches and ho’s” showed up and showed out in Black rap music; and to this day, even though white women are often as bad and even worse than the images white people portray of Black women, Black men are the only male entities on Earth who can be enticed and economically endowed to disparage their own female companions — from their mothers and grandmothers to their own daughters, nieces, and aunts.
They know that too many Black people, Black men, are just poor and “hungry enough” to sell themselves and their entire Earthly inheritance out for a momentary pottage of red porridge and stew.
In the same vein, no one seems to take into consideration that an “angry Black woman” can be pushed into action just like an angry white woman. No one seems to want to know or understand that an over-sexed Black woman is often a victim of male inability to control themselves from the moment she is born.
No matter what the problem is with the man–even the fact that he will not exercise birth control by putting an aspirin between his own knees–it is always the fault of the woman that he failed. The darker and the fatter she is, the more it is her own fault.
The white man’s “wench” becomes the Black man’s “ho.”
The white man is truly the firstfruit of a long generation of “baby daddies” in the United States of America. The Black woman is left carrying the entire burden, from “allowing” herself to be raped or sexualized, to “letting” herself be abandoned and left to raise a child alone — and in their case, only because of the child’s racial origins.
She is convinced by all men that she has no right to the ‘modesty and virtue’ of a mentally purified white woman, even though the white woman is likely nothing more than a common whore herself. Well…
The chickens AND the watermelons came home to root and roost in January of 2017.
First Lady Michelle Robinson Obama, a highly sophisticated and intelligent Harvard Law School graduate with a quick wit and righteous American background and a trained eloquent linguist came to be found by them to be no higher in social status than a hardcore Slovenic prostitute who can never come up to Mrs. Obama’s latitude in life.
This high grade overt and well-known prostitute, now known as the Fourth Wife of the United States “FWOTUS,” (or is it the “Third Wife”, TWOTUS?), barely speaks the American mother tongue at all and does not have the fortitude nor the education to even write her own speeches without stealing the words of the virtuous and well-taught Black woman who is considered to be “less” by them ONLY because she IS Black.
We were NEVER paranoid or ‘over-reacting’ or engaging in “reverse racism” with regard to the consistent insidious and hideous racism, overt and covert, that is part of America’s core fiber down to its “Yankee Doo Wops” and up to its “White House Outhouse.” That is something that even President Barack Obama himself can no longer deny.
No matter what he says now, slave reparations for the descendants of Black people of African ancestry are due and owing to this moment; and have been payable for a very long time. Barack Obama is The One now, having seen and witnessed this racial disparity from the inside, who should be teaming up with every single Black legal professional and the entire legal communities of the United Nations and beyond that he can get his hands on at this hour, to make it happen.
Redemption is coming regardless; but restitution and restorative justice -being made legally whole- is expedient.
He won’t do it; but he should.
In the meantime and in between times, take it to heart Black men and women of America who spit on their own life’s inheritance as a People, and who schats upon their mother’s hearts with the feeling of unearned entitlement, YOU cannot rightly show up at a brother’s door demanding what you did not earn, or demanding to be supported just because your brother has the same parents and/or has the same skin color as you.
It’s a two-way street. That’s the deal.
Take it and resolve to “free at last”; or let it revolve and recycle again on Trump’s watch as you go back out the door in which you first appeared in slave chains, long after many of your ancestors had already come here and left the land intact just as they found it.