The police officer who shot and killed teenager Quintonio LeGrier on the day after Christmas will sue LeGrier’s estate. Officer Robert Rialmo answered a domestic disturbance call in West Garfield Park and wound up shooting LeGrier and a neighbor, he says, because LeGrier attacked him.
Rialmo’s attorney Joel Brodsky confirmed for WGN-TV this morning that he’ll file a civil suit against LeGrier’s estate in a couple of weeks, citing emotional distress and assault.
LeGrier’s family says there was no justification for shooting 18-year-old LeGrier multiple times.
I hate to even write that I am becoming numb to this because cops murdering black people in Chicago has been happening every since the police were given guns. But for the police to sue the family of the person he murdered is an all time low.
But I wouldn’t be surprised if he won the case.