Somebody has to have ‘that’ conversation about a church that overlooks the sins and shenanigans of Pastors and Preachers and Ministers and says things like “They are human, too.”
Well, kinda sorta d’uh.
But one also expects that a pastor should be held to a higher standard than a man who does not know that there is a difference between ‘making a mistake once’ and ‘putting a side piece on the payroll.’ One would also expect that pastors would be able to control themselves as the Bible demands.
In this case, as in all others before him, it’s kind of beside the point to pull Pastor Charles Jenkins out of the pack of pastors (or even presidents, the “running bulls of Pamplona,” et al) that are found having illicit affairs. Too many do it and get away with it every day.
Here’s the real problem with pastors, clergy, men of God *wink wink* who are “called” (at midnight for a booty call), who are also caught doing these things and then handily tossed under a bus the day after — Church members do not typically put their tithes and offerings in a collection plate for pastors, married or single, to buy “side pieces.”
Oh, and here’s another one that somehow slips past them when they are preaching it to others.
1 Timothy 3:2Â Qualifications for Overseers
It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do. An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money.…
 To be sure, it’s easier to NOT preach about certain things at all rather than be found living in hypocrisy and bringing a default fornication upon the name of the Lord.
To heck with that “other people do it so why are you targeting ministers?” rhetoric.
The easy answer is because God did not stutter when He said DO NOT.
The harder answer is that if a man or a woman of God cannot live up to what they tell others to do, then at least be real about it, be transparent. Put “the” Bible down,  and write your own Bible that fully endorses adultery so that everybody knows where you stand.
Believe it or not, in today’s world where pastors, preachers and ministers put the “okay” stamp on nearly everything else the Bible and we presume God also, is against with the “doctrine of the illusion of inclusion,” there are people out here who will join these churches and pay them to indulge in the activity.
Go ahead and be the “First Church of Adulterous Relations,” and have at it. There’s a “National Church of Bey” to go along with that order of thinking, why not? It long ceased to matter any more whether or not the caught one actually did it, it happens so much nobody even freaks out about it these days. Par for the course.
Transparency also matters because one never has to worry about getting caught; or having to pretend that it’s a “nude photo extortion scheme,” if nothing else is working out. (The lawyers are already on it.)
One thing is certain above all else, an adulterer apparently prizes – puts on a pedestal in place of the God they claim to worship and praise His name- their sexual organs far above their wives and/or husbands, and their children.