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CBS News Reveals Leaked Documents That Proves United States Created ISIS | Urban Intellectuals

CBS News Reveals Leaked Documents That Proves United States Created ISIS

by | Nov 22, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

Last week the entire country was praying for Paris. The terrorist group known as “Isis” struck Paris with bombs and innocent people died. The United States was quick to jump up and ask for everyone to #PrayForParis. President Obama has stated that we must take action against ISIS as ISIS has declared to strike the United States next. What is interesting is how did ISIS become a powerhouse that have resources to bomb Paris?

There have been theories that the United States created Al Queada as well as Osama Bin Laden considering Osama Bin Laden was a friend of the United States back in the 1980’s. His family stayed in New York. Therefore, is it too far-fetched to question is the United States created ISIS? Well, it is one thing to have a theory, it is another to have proof. This proof is leaked documents from the Department of Defense that shows the United States role in creating ISIS years ago in order to have influence in Syria. Don’t believe me? Take a look at what CBS News has to say about it.

Reality Check: Proof The U.S. Government Wanted ISIS to Emerge…

A newly released Pentagon document proves that the U.S., Saudis, Qatar and other Gulf states wanted a radical, Islamist, fundamentalist group to emerge in Syria. So why would we trust them to now get rid of ISIS?Learn more:

Posted by Ben Swann on Friday, November 20, 2015

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