Cast of ‘Martin’ Reunite at Tommy Ford’s Funeral To Lay Their Brother To Rest

by | Oct 21, 2016 | Celebrities, News | 0 comments

Losing a brother is never easy. But there are ways to do it. Tommy Ford passed away last week and a wave of sadness went through the nation. He was beloved on screen.

Tichina Arnold who played Pam on ‘Martin’ in the 1990s sitcom, and she posted this to Instagram:

Today was not easy..but by the grace of God we all got through it. Words cannot express our gratitude for all of your Prayers, Positive thoughts and Support for us throughout the years. Tommy will be missed but most certainly never forgotten… And PLEASE don’t ask “Where’s Martin?..” he was there too…just not in this picture. Lol! God bless you all.. #LoveConquersAll #MartinShow

Carl Payne who played Cole also posted:

“We laid our brother to rest. However, through God’s grace and the love, support and prayers of friends, family and loved ones, all is well,” Payne wrote. “Remember and celebrate the man who brought so much joy and laughter to our lives…Tommy Ford.”

Martin Lawrence was also in attendance although he was not photographed.

Below is Arnold’s Instagram image and post:

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