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Bully Police Say They Won’t Protect Miami Dolphins Until They Stand For Anthem | Urban Intellectuals

Bully Police Say They Won’t Protect Miami Dolphins Until They Stand For Anthem

by | Oct 3, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

The police have a job to do, they are supposed to protect and serve, not get petty over politics. However we seem to be seeing more and more examples of departments and officers acting in a personal opinion bases and not by the oath they took. The idea that the police protect is being dismantled report by report by report, death by death by death. Self interests and protecting their boys club seems to be priority.

The Miami Dolphins decided that they stood behind the National Anthem protest against racial injustice that was kick-started by Colin Kaepernick. They issued a statement supporting their players right to kneel or sit out of protest in the interest of freedom of speech. So far, four players have exercised their right of protest and it must feel good to be supported by their management. The protest has pissed off a lot of Americans who feel it’s disrespectful.

And it seems that the Florida Sheriff Office and the local police union are some of those pissed off people.

The President of the International Union of Police Associations, Jeffrey Bell said,

“I respect their right to have freedom of speech. However, in certain organizations and certain jobs you give up that right of your freedom of speech temporary while you serve that job or while you play in an NFL game.”

Surely the police have to protect everyone’s freedom of speech? By not allowing these men to safely exercise freedom of speech what are they police saying? Are they inviting attacks against them, would they step in?

The police doing this is exactly why the protest must continue.

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