Picture this: Minneapolis Replaces Columbus Day With Indigenous Peoples Day.
What’s an indigenous peoples? Basically, anyone who is known as the “first” people to inhabit a land anywhere in the world. If there is no evidence of anyone having existed in a certain area before “those” people, they’re “indigenous.”
Needless to say, replacing [Christopher] Columbus Day with “Indigenous Peoples” Day has been a long time coming.
“We had been edited out of existence in the public school system,” Bill Means, a Native veteran, told MPR News. “To say Columbus discovered America is one of the first lies we’re told in public education.”
Lies, indeed. One of quite a few.
It means a lot for the “other 90” percent of the world to discover day after day that the European faction told a whole lotta lies about most of the indigenous peoples of the world, here and everywhere else; but another problem introduces itself into the Americas when it comes to its Afrocentric citizens … we are not indigenous to the United States, or to Africa.
There was a saying (back in the day), “Black folks are the only people in the world ain’t got a home. They don’t want us in America, and they don’t want us in Africa, either.
Between those of us who don’t have a clue where we are indigenous to and the trace element bird crumbs leading back to Northern Africa (the Middle East) and ancient Persian lands, the transference from the antiquities and diasporas to Western Africa, and on to slave ships across the trans-Atlantic slave passages to the Americas -notwithstanding the DNA test kits with the inconclusive (faked?) results- we African-Americans not of the “Obamaesque Kenyan” ilk are absolutely certain that we don’t know where our African ancestors came from.
That nondescript description fits only one element of human beings ever created on God’s green earth, or “the planet,” if you will.
In the meantime, buh-bye Christopher Columbus. Alas, we never knew ye. We ain’t trying to get to know you, or your kind.
Your history in this America is not anything else we need to know about, or be proud of.
As we help America’s indigenous peoples celebrate their victories, their truths, the re-discovery of their own America, there is only one place to find our own.
I leave it to my readers to figure it out.