Great news coming out of Baltimore this morning. The six officers involved in the arrest, beating and killing of Freddie Gray have been charged in the homicide.
Gray was injured while taken into custody by six of Baltimore police officers.
During the arrest, Gray was tasered, apparently beaten and suffered a severed spine while in custody of police, then later died as a result.
Protest, outrage, civil unrest and more broke out in the city over the past week, but many are hoping justice prevails.
Maryland State Attorney Marilyn Mosby says all six officers involved in Freddie Gray’s arrest will face charges.
Mosby ruled the arrest was illegal.
Charges against the six officers include manslaughter and assault, with one of the officers facing 2nd-degree murder charges.
Source: ABC News
Mosby is the State’s Attorney
State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby is the one who made the announcement they have found probable cause to pursue criminal charges against the officers involved in the case that vary a bit.
Included in the charges are several charges of manslaughter, second degree assault, misconduct in the office and false imprisonment among others. There all sorts of lies involved in this case, unreported stops with Gray in the van, and we still don’t know why he was arrested in the first place.
Mosby spoke to the people of Baltimore.
“I heard your call for ‘no justice, no peace’ however your peace is sincerely needed as I work to deliver justice on behalf of Freddie Gray,” she said.
However, before the black community rejoices at this news too quickly, let’s wait, hold our anger, outrage for a bit longer to see if the judicial system follows through on a conviction of these officers to ensure this isn’t just a tactic to satisfy us into slumbering on the mistreatment of the people in our community.
Seriously, what’s the difference if they officers are charged, convicted and sentenced, but no on the policing tactics, training and behavior around people of color are changed? Sure, there would be six less destructive police on the streets, but the same mentality of them six still lay the foundation of policing in America.
Our fight is just beginning, black community!
SOUND OFF: What do you think of the charges and do you think these officers will be convicted?