Breaking news as the Justice Department files a civil rights lawsuit against the hometown of slain Michael Brown on Wednesday!
The town of Ferguson is being sued as hopes to end what is being described as “patterns of constitutional violations by the city’s police department and municipal court” according to the Huffington Post.
The decision to sue seems to have followed a rejected deal given to the city that was meant to reform the mostly white police department.
The Huff wrote:
The original deal was arranged over 11 months after the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division released a damning report last March chronicling routine patterns of constitutional abuses in the city, where an overwhelmingly white police force preyed on black residents who many officers saw “less as constituents to be protected than as potential offenders and sources of revenue.”
The report depicted a corrupt local government, in which the police department and municipal court “worked in concert to maximize revenue at every stage of the enforcement process” for several years. The Justice Department also released troubling emails from Ferguson officials that referred to President Barack Obama as a “chimpanzee” and African-Americans as having “no frigging clue who their Daddies are.”
The deal was aiming to change many areas such as increasing de-escalation tactics and reducing force and training for police to deal with minorities who have negative attitudes towards them.
Read more about this breaking story here: http://www.