The Bottom Line on Bill Maher

by | Jun 9, 2017 | Opinion | 1 comment

Truly, we need to stop discussing it.

Maher was only repeating what all of his Black friends and girlfriends say around him.

He brought in Michael Eric Dyson for a filter substitute on his show, so someone said to me “Don’t mistake Dyson for a ‘house’ n*.”

I said “Ok, so Dyson isn’t a house n* and Maher said don’t mistake him for a field n*.

Somehow or other, Dyson ended up back in the Field and Maher ended up in the House. That’s how they get us in mental slave chains every time.

They land in the Big House while we are outside panting and begging for cool water and something to eat.

The Game is rigged and black people get $$$ and go back and buy more of it. We need to acknowledge that and move on.

At the helm of this conversation is how much we ridicule ourselves and don’t take ourselves seriously enough for anyone else to care either.

If pictures and photos of whites handholding and shaking hands with Black people are all we need to convince ourselves that someone isn’t a racist,
then so be it. That means all those whites who have posed for photo opps with Black people are not racist and we need to stop calling them the R-word.

We have become a joke to the world, and we did it to ourselves as a follow-up to the KKK and the Reconstruction era. So what?

Until Black Living matters to us, #BlackLives shouldn’t matter to them. Not their problem.

The End.

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1 Comment

  1. Professor Gilbert NMO Morris

    The author has spoken to the question exceeedingly well. In my view, Bill Maher did nothing wrong, and surprisingly, our reactionary vitriol was so hellish, that he lost the ability to articulate or let his mind wander enough to get at what he was trying to do with Senator Sasse. As such we lost a vital psychological narrative, because our reaction is on auto-pilot, even before we understand or acknowledge our our foolishness contributed to the spectre the racial pantomime.

    The author’s most compelling words speak to a corrupt Black-interiority: “At the helm of this conversation is how much we ridicule ourselves and don’t take ourselves seriously enough for anyone else to care either”.

    In a world in which Black wealth would constitute the 11th wealthiest nation in the world, HBCUs are still begging the US government for money and hoping that Trump will help; Bryan Stevenson is investing the “new civil rights” which forces actual history into American consciousness and yet, his initiatives are not immediately or overwhelmingly funded.

    The galvanizing power of Maher’s remark exceeds the will to cultivate a true community that is morally attuned, self-sustaining and so welcoming on the basis of an authentic hospitality, extended firs time to ourselves.

    And just so we understand: racism is the exercise of power, aimed at denying rights and privileges – through the apparatus of a system claiming to be universal – but designed to denigrate one race over the other, for the purpose of limiting distribution to one race, as it issues fuller benefits to another.

    Racial terms are employed to define one race’s humanity downwards, in order to ensure a perception that they are undeserving.


    How magical we are at attacking someone for these cosmetic outrages, as Congress rolled back Dodd-Frank, which hurts “Blacks” and poor people, and the American Attoney General moved to make it impossible to hold bad police officers accountable.

    BLACKS must come to see the empty seductions of word-policing as anathema to everything that may advance themselves toward a proper constitutional footing, and the prosperity which is the promise of America.

    Professor Gilbert NMO Morris


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