#BLM Protest Declares “Black Hair Is Beautiful” After Toronto School Sent 8th Grader Home for Natural Hair

by | Dec 5, 2015 | News | 0 comments

Demonstrators on friday in New York had a clear message to shout loud and proud.


The seemingly cheeky protest was prompted after an incident last month where an 8th grader was said to be sent home because her hair was “too poofy and unprofessional”.

The protest was called for by Black Lives Matter in Toronto and their flyer said they wanted “big, black, beautiful hair.” and that “We are especially looking for: peeps with AFRO, big, poofy, fly weaves, boxbraids, bantu braids, locks, twists/twist-out, Marley twists,”.

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The flyer also said “Your hair does not have to be natural to be beautiful,”.

Around 100 people with an awesome array of big, beautiful hair turned up outside the Toronto District School Board’s headquarters in North York

Posing for photos the group were pushing an important message about discrimination with many attending having stories related to their hair in the work place, education institute and more.

Discrimination against hair is just one tiny part of a much bigger racism that people of color have to deal with on a daily basis.

The school incident that prompted this protest may have gone unnoticed had the girls Aunt not posted about it on facebook.

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You can read more about the protest here: http://on.

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