#BLM Activist Charged With “Lynching” Is Out Of Jail…

by | Jun 23, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Jasmine Richards was facing up to four years in jail after she was charged in what many saw the most insulting way.

She was at a rally in Pasadena, California, in August 2015 when she was charged for pulling a woman away from police.

She was charged with “felony lynching”. This was a law that was originally meant to stop people taking black folks from police custody and lynching them.

Jasmine ended up receiving a 90-day sentence, many saw the whole thing as a huge insult and slap in the face to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Pasadena Star News reported:

One juror in Richards’ case wrote to Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Elaine Lu to express his “reluctance” after voting to convict her. While Richards’ crime matched the law’s description, the unidentified juror said the D.A.’s decision to charge Richards with a felony was “the true injustice” and a “political misstep.”

During the trial, Richards’ attorney Nana Gyamfi said she could not describe the law as lynching because of the change, despite the history of the law.

“Just changing the name makes it so we can’t call it what it is at trial,” Gyamfi said. “It would have been a lot different if people on the jury understood what they were looking at was ‘attempted lynching,’ instead of ‘attempted taking someone from the custody of police.’ ”

She will apparently return to court next month for pretrial hearings in two other cases but at least for now she is free.

Read more on Newsone: http://bit.ly/28Pm9zJ or watch the video below:

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