Happy 911 Day: Top Ways Black Folk Continue to Subsidize Sustained Cultural Slavery, Racism, Misogyny, and Black Genocide in America (A 2-Part Series)

by | Sep 11, 2016 | Opinion | 0 comments

{1}. Shaquille O’Neal, per FOX News: “Shaquille O’Neal will be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame this week. The four-time NBA champion, 15-time All-Star, Olympic gold medalist and supremely outsized personality joined the “Fox and Friends” co-hosts this morning to sound off on his enshrinement and some other sports stories making waves, including Colin Kaepernick’s National Anthem protest. “To each his own,” Shaq said, adding, “It’s something I wouldn’t do.

EDITORIAL COMMENTARY – Dear Shaq: Wish Dr. King had said that. Your slow behind would still be on a plantation doing the Outdoor Sportsman Jobs. To hear folks like you sucking up to white supremacy by refusing to acknowledge America’s on-going hardline racism, one finds it easy to understand why so many Black people are so easily re-enslaved. This is the fourth dispensation of slavery for Blacks worldwide, but the second time it was based on skin color only. You recognize whites as your nationalistic “patriot saviors,” yet refuse to acknowledge that your own Black ancestors set THEIR asses free from being chained to us for all eternity-ONLY BECAUSE THEY DID NOT LIKE BEING SLAVES. If our ancestors had enjoyed slavery, America would never have advanced or progressed into an industrialized nation that ended up becoming rapidly High Tech. White folks who can’t enslave other humans will make for themselves ROBOTS and DRONES in order to get out of working. Right Now is always the Right Time to protest inhumanity that still targets a race of people based on its own historical racist past.

Note: They fought for their own personal freedoms while simultaneously enslaving us. We fought for our TRUE freedoms, and THEIRS, too.

Who Truly Fought for Your Freedoms: Proud2Be –


{2}. Counter Current News reports: “Another Black woman is demanding JUSTICE after she was intimidated and raped by a white officer in her home in front of her infant son, after she called the police for help. According to Gerren Keith Gaynor of Centric, Maleatra Montanez, 40, is outraged that her attacker, former officer Chester Thompson, 47, was not sentenced to jail time for raping her

EDITORIAL COMMENTARY – Dear Black Woman Demanding Justice: The chances of your getting justice are slim to none, mainly because of your race, but also because you have so many Black people who would prefer to ask what YOU did to cause it. There is no demand from the white feminists that we support to challenge the light treatment of racist cops who rape Black women just because they know no one gives a damn. Never wonder why so many Black women will look at Bill Cosby and pat him on the back. He screwed willing participants who knew he was married when he did it, but when Black women are attacked and raped even from ‘behind’, the whole conversation changes to “she must have done something to deserve it.” Why this indifferent difference of opinion when the VICTIM is Black? Why even challenge it when white women are also told they were raped because they “dressed provocatively and egg’d it on” or that rape should be decriminalized because of the historical aspect of prostitution?

As a Matter of Information: It is no wonder that everything seems to be the fault of the Black woman, and that she is deemed as the “mule of the world” and lambasted for her self-willed desire to be born a Black woman in a white man’s world. Far be it from American psychology, period, not to use “mother-blaming” as another sporting challenge; for she is the Mother of the Entire World, which makes ALL of your bad choices her fault.

Twisted Sistahs – Where Seemingly Unrelated Stories have a Common Thread; and Where We Must Connect the Dots or Follow the Bread Crumbs in Order to Understand Worldwide Hatred of Black Women by Many Whites and Some (a lot of) Black Men: The Mother-Blame Syndrome – “…present-day geneticists argue that stressed pregnant women produce offspring prone to anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and suicide. Present-day scientists contend that a mother’s dietary or smoking habits during gestation can “program” her fetus for a future of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. And a group of obstetricians write in a recent article that “increasing rates of maternal obesity… can have a significant impact on the in utero environment and, thus, on fetal development and the health of the child later in life…Of course, no one wants their children to suffer from illness, and most parents do absolutely everything they can to help their children live happy, healthy lives. At the same time, the histories of medicine and psychiatry are rife with examples of scientific theories that blamed mothers for a host of ills in their children—only to be later uncovered as bunk…”

Triple and Quadruple it on “Stressed Pregnant Black Women, particularly if they happen to be single…” and don’t act like you don’t know why.

Victim-Blaming: “White Women, Rape, and Black Men” –


{3}. White Ideas, Black Belief Systems, by WaPO and The Root:

WaPo‘s Take: White Media’s Racial Perspective of a Certain Black Church Where Organ-punching, Black Individualism and Doughnut-Eating Matters more than #BlackLives. #DonaldTrump

As they spin stereotypes and metaphors regarding the Black church’s white-washed sterilized plantation-oriented religious systems, those Black folks who “go along to get along” on the Donald Trump theme unwittingly support ideologies about Cultural Slavery and Racism (now a mental health choice replacing the physical shackles).

In the meantime, whitenized ideas about Black church drama, antics, and theatrics; as well as the kind of individualism that tears apart families and communities, and the stigma of the ‘fat Black woman who could stand to lose a few eating donated free doughnuts’ that molds and shapes and angles the rest of the WaPo story does not go unnoticed by a discerning reporter’s eye.

Pastor Scott’s error is in his belief that selling out to Donald Trump makes him equal in stature in the eyes of the white community that finances him and holds his bank accounts. It does not; and it should be duly-noted that that 3 am Negro WakeUp Call is the only thing that’s going to wake him out of that “evangelical white christianity” slumber that he has been hypnotized by. Says Darrell Scott: “Christianity gets a bad break,” he said, recalling how Trump agreed with him. “We’re presented as being bigoted, narrow-minded people, and there seems to be no anger over this. When we oppose transgender bathrooms and same-sex marriage, we’re portrayed as the enemy.” …

Scott’s answer appears to be, so … “Help a white racist become even more bigoted and narrow-minded in order to prove that Christianity is hurting from bad media”. #RonaldReagan #evangelicalwhitejesus In the meantime, your gaudy churches, big cars and slick expensive silk suits and big church lady hats that are nowhere to be found in scripture are plenty of solid proof that Christianity is suffering and hurting badly because of ‘negative’ (however truthful) press.

The Root‘s Take: The author set up the framework for his #DonaldTrump report by calling Darrell Scott “Pastor Who?

That just about says it all, because white supremacy roots itself continuously in mega-Pastors and their Black followers who are mostly unknowns in the Black communities around them -the ones dying at their feet- until something high-profile that involves a big donation and boatloads of money comes to the religious playground. “For THE LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil.” [I Tim. 6:10]

EDITORIAL COMMENTARY – RE: “Pitchfork Politics.” Dear WaPo and The Root, The devil comes in pleasing forms and shapes meant to deceive.” [2 Corinthians 11:14].

Many of us are familiar with that line of scripture, but the way we interpret that scripture also comes in pleasing forms and shapes meant to deceive. Suffice it to say, if it’s not good on the outside, it’s likely not good on the inside either.

Black Street Rep is everything when it comes to pastors like Darrell Scott and it means nothing whatsoever when it comes to white media’s evangelical spin on Black churches. We have no more Dr. King’s because the money became more important than the scriptural intestinal fortitude to tell the truth even when it’s not popular.

We are in it for the high drama, the prestige (Mr & Mrs Titled So’n’So and Ms Degreed Such-a-Much and Mr. Big Bank Hank and his daughter, Big Money Honey), with zero unified community substance to back up what we say we stand for.

To have to stand aside and view these antics from the other side of the room leaves no room for doubt as to why so many whites still refer to so many Blacks as “monkeys.” Signifying monkeys at that.

‘Nuff said.

Black Studies/White Economics: “So Easily Re-enslaved” –


Discern The Times: America has bigger insider plagues and problems than dealing with outsider ‘terrorists’ that they terrorized first.

Part II

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