Black NYPD Cop Killed By White Cop Who ‘Thought He Was a Criminal’!

by | Sep 25, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Omar Edwards was a black cop, he had always wanted to be a cop says his mother. He wanted to help people, to enforce law and fairness. But he has no chance of being one of the good cops anymore, and you could say it was simply because he was a black man.

As a black man, no matter if you are a lawyer, a politician, a fireman, a policeman or a criminal, it seems you can end up being a target, simple because you fit an unrealistic and racist profile. A profile based on your skin color.

In 2009 Officer Andrew Dunton from the 25th Precinct opened fire. He killed Edwards instantly. He opened fire just ONE SECOND AFTER he issued the command “Police! Stop! Drop it!”.

Yes, Edwards had a gun out, infact, he was chasing a thief. The 25-year-old officer found Miguel Goitia, who was rummaging through his car, the window on the drivers side was broken. She he gave chase and had his gun drawn.


Two officers saw the chase, U-Turned and that’s when Dunton opened fire, ending the life of Edwards. Two of the Six shots fired hit him.

Dunton was cleared, he kept his badge and job as far as we can find out. Edwards lost his life and no justice was found for his family. Edwards had been married just three weeks and had a young baby.

Dunton said four years later that he was still haunted by the shooting:, but is feeling bad about it enough? He may have done wrong but shouldn’t he be speaking up against police brutality, against the profiling and racism that leads to so many deaths? If you want to right a wrong then do something about it, don’t just feel haunted!


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