This country or world has not achieved racial equality. To say so would sound like you are winding up a good punchline, not any sort of reality. The issues of race are felt everyday by people of color throughout the diaspora. But when a group of black, Harvard students decided to share their insights, they got people talking.
From the itooamharvard Tumblr
A photo campaign highlighting the faces and voices of black students at Harvard College. Our voices often go unheard on this campus, our experiences are devalued, our presence is questioned– this project is our way of speaking back, of claiming this campus, of standing up to say: We are here. This place is ours. We, TOO, are Harvard.
The #itooamharvard photo campaign is inspired by I, Too, Am Harvard, a play based on interviews with members of the black community exploring and affirming our diverse experiences as black students at Harvard College. The original play premieres on Friday March 7th, 2014 at 7 PM in Lowell Lecture Hall on the campus of Harvard College. @iTooAmHarvard #itooamharvard
Here are a few of the images.
Take a look at the promo