Black Frats & Sorors “Stomp the Yard” on Mona Scott-Young’s Black Greek Letter Project

by | Dec 16, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

Well well well, oh well, and LOL.

Yet another attempt by the Hollywood Black-ish brigade to disparage and bring down the root of Black history in American HBCU’s has been ‘almost’ burned to the ground.

Mona Scott-Young, the ‘behind-the-scenes’ creative mogul who helped to craft the careers of many rap stars, and who even spawned and launched that “Love and Hip Hop” framework that featured these rappers and fronted a semi-movement of the Rap Elite, was brought to the crossroads and challenged this year.

This time, either Miss Mona “Keeps it 100,” or risks losing her Black Entertainment license in the worst way – no access to the Black community. Shut it down, y’all. LOL.

But seriously, that said … there’s a little back story here that has to be addressed.

Black sororities and fraternities, so we often hear from insiders to that chum game, have been known to be some of the biggest elitist “cliques” in the history of the Black United States of America.

So, we’d be hard-pressed to say that if Scott-Young didn’t accomplish anything else this past summer, she managed -by that one escalated “faux pas”- to do something that many of the sorors and frat brothers themselves said couldn’t be done: Put them all on one page, UNITED: For a refreshing life change that we can all believe in.

Now, if they can only keep that lost momentum going and build it into something bigger and greater, like we’ve said before about their SEMI-united stance on these unwarranted unnecessary lynchings of young Black men across America.

This is Black America, jack.

There is no more time for Mr & Ms Umpitty-Ump with their snoot noses and behinds tweaked up in the air, so if Scott-Young’s misguided effort finally got them all to UNIFY and collaborate on SOMETHING TOGETHER, more power to her.



REFERENCE FROM HUFFPOST BLACK VOICE by Blogger Brennan Williams, June 2014:

Following the negative reaction to the “Sorority Sisters” preview clip, Reynoir Lewis launched a MoveOn.Org petition in an effort to axe the series from airing on television:

Stop the spread of ignorance and stereotyping of our beloved Black Greek letter organizations. Our founders amongst EVERY organization worked extremely hard to allow us to unite and flourish not only on college campuses, but as a people well beyond our college days, and Mona Scott-Young now threatens to demolish those aims and goals we all abide by. If this show airs, we will boycott any and all advertisers affiliated with the show through commercial advertising, product placement and/or location use.

*I, Reynoir Lewis, will be personally delivering these signatures to the President Philippe Dauman and the Executive Chairman Sumner M. Redstone.* Thank you for your support.

To date, there are over 20,000 signatures for Lewis’ petition, with the goal of receiving 25,000. To sign the petition, click here.

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