Well, yes and no.
Let’s just suffice it to say that there is nothing “race neutral” about the Black media. If America was a race-neutral country, there wouldn’t be a need for a “Black” media, or a white one. But there is.
Black media are the only ones who are going to give Bill Cosby a benefit of a doubt with all of these hooker-rape accusations that have spilled all over the place at this time, even though the most recent one happened no less than 30 years ago. However, Cosby should “expect” nothing from anyone, including and especially the so-called Black media.
Here’s the deal …
Everybody knows by now that Bill (William H.) Cosby, PhD, has been “hit” left and right with accusations from a pack of white women that he “drugged and raped” them-all with pills while being plied with alcohol. Never mind that liquor and pills kind of takes the “edge” off when you’re volunteering for rape duty in a room with a man you know is married and in which you weren’t dragged there against your will.
However, when all the accusations began to look like a one-man Scottsboro Boys ‘show’, with a bunch of Victoria Prices and Ruby Bateses fall all over the place, whomever was “after” Cosby had to go find a couple of Black women to back up the white ones.
Why? It’s highly unlikely that of ALL the women Cosby ever met in his life, he “serial-raped” nothing but the white ones, all of whom had the same basic elements to their stories.
Follow the bread crumbs, because all of this crap is starting to lead back to the one and only Donald Trump, who has reason and motive to bring Bill Cosby down, and bring him all the way down as far as he can throw him without physically whipping his Black ass. Explain why later.
For now, Bill Cosby has hit the media airwaves to say that the “Black media” is expected to take a “neutral stance” on these accusation, and that he expects it to be so.
Hold up, Bill, I mean “William H. Sr, PhD.” Seriously?
It isn’t like you rolled no dice at this craps table. You did bring this on yourself.
And your name didn’t have to be Pookie or Shaquille with a wife named Bumquisha or Shayshay for that to happen now, did it?
But now, the race card, instead of being thrown in the direction it should be thrown in is being thrown at the “Black media,” and why? Because Mr. Cosby himself is in a precarious position, considering that he has taken a position in the past that some shyt we know damned well is racist as hell, his position was that “we can’t prove it.”
No, Mr. C, the Black Media is not beholden to cover for you by remaining neutral to the obvious racism in this situation, because none of the those women are saying anything about being drugged and sexually assaulted by all the white men they screwed while they were screwing you, too.
But, Mr. C, what you need to understand is how the very people you talked about found themselves in the same circumstances you are in now on nothing more than some unproveable accusations in some HIGHLY racist situations, and you threw them under a bus. Now you have to cover for that stance by telling the Black press to withhold judgment in the race factor when they should do anything BUT that.
Instead of taking each of those cases of young Black men and women, and finding out what really happened to them, you chose to cut a very generic piece of pie and label them about their manners of dress, speech, and “black pseudo-African naming systems,” as if all of that whitenized living standard of yours is doing you a bit of good right now.
No, Mr. C, they can’t all be YOU, nor can they even aspire to be you.
If that were possible, they would, I’m certain, trade places with you in a heartbeat. But NOT TODAY.
Expecting nothing from Black media, Â but hope for the best with all of these lawsuits that are about to hit you in order to break you, even in your old age. You may end up doing time for what amounts to simply paying for services from hookers. It wouldn’t happened to all/none of the white guys they f’d, however.
For you to now say “race has nothing to do with this,” or to say you expect the BLACK media to be neutral reminds me of what you said even after your only son, Ennis, was mercilessly killed by a white Russian thug — leaving you no grandchildren to carry on the Cosby name. This murdering racist used the words “I killed a Nigger” with reference to your child and you said no one could prove it was racist, even though your wife said “America taught other people to hate my son because of his skin color.”
That’s a whole lot of racism wrapped up with all that non-racist talk, sir … with all due respect to you and yours.
That’s all you can do now, Mr. C.
You’re having an “OJ Simpson” Black moment in history, and we feel for you on “race neutrality”, but we’re not obligated to remain neutral by any stretch of the imagination.
Boy these white folks have done a serious number on all of our heads, shorting of chopping them completely off — with all this “Willie Lynch Manifesto” TO THE ‘B‘, TO THE ‘E‘, AND TO THE ‘T‘.
We tried that “race neutral stuff” with OJ and as soon as he was exonerated and released, he kicked Black folks back to the curb and tried to re-position himself in the bottom feeding rank within white supremacy. He then found himself virtually “hanged” by a set-up and is currently living out his senior moments in a Florida prison because of it. Even when no one has any evidence against you, you’re guilty because white people say you are. That’s the bottom line.
Do you really want us, the Black Media, to stand down and say nothing about how racist this really is because you actually have something at stake if you should ever come to the light of day on race in America?
You actually think we don’t know you’d like to pull an “Uncle Clarence Thomas political lynching” race card on us right now – and can’t?
The following is an OPINION ONLY and does not reflect the attitude or stance of Urban Intellectuals. However, blogging opinions and facts along with attitudes and possibilities and personal positions is what we do here at UI, and it is what we do best, so here goes…
Why the trail is leading back to suspicion of Donald Trump as instigator of these rape accusations against Bill Cosby.
The connector piece in this trail has finally come forward – Beverly Johnson.
Look for Donald Trump to be the mastermind behind this one…any. second. now.
Beverly was screwing around with The Donald while he was still married to Ivana Trump, and the two likely swapped spit stories about Trump’s in-bed manners.
In 2012, The Cos made an ass of The Donald in public about his running for President against Obama, due to the “birther” mess; so The Cos called The Donald an idiot and told him to run, don’t run, or step the hell aside … and we all agreed with that. Cosby accused Trump of blowing smoke up everyone’s ass about running and said he would NEVER endorse him, and it made The Donald mad.
Duel at at fifty paces anyone? How about fisticuffs, or fencing? Good gentlemanly face-slap across the right cheek with a white glove?
Fast forward two years later-Trump is in debt up to his arss and can’t get a TV deal, he’s dead as far as television is concerned.
Yet here is Cosby is (or rather WAS Cosby) -with his one-wife and never-filed-bankruptcy Black gentleman’s history- still getting TV deals and bookings, cha-ching!.
I know white male jealousy when I see it, I’ve been through it with white females who were nothing more than heroine addicts and whores who tried to make it appear that I was one of ‘their’ kind after they committed a crime against me.
I know bullshit when I smell it, and this whole “he drugged me and sexually assaulted me” bullshit stinks to high heaven. I’ve had actual crimes committed against my person more than once in this lifetime, so I am highly sensitized to bullshit when I hear it and smell of it.
And MY name isn’t Laquisha, either.
Trump has been after Cosby since 2012, and this was about the best way to bring him down off that high horse he was riding on, very politely. I could be wrong with this highly sensitized guess, but I’d bet money I’m close enough.
Bill Cosby got himself in this mess, but of all the women he and Trump screwed around with in Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Ho Mansion, one has to wonder why it’s so easy for Trump to get all of the females who were in his philly stable to come down this hard on just ONE and only one of the many men they screwed?
Stay tuned …Â It’s only “high urban intellect” that is going to help anyone get to the bottom of this one.
In the meantime, one has to wonder how many of those Hollywood Ho’s Leonardo DiCaprio is sporting around with these days are going to come back and bite him in the ass later in life? Do they even do this isht to white guys who have done the same as you. Mr. C?
Who else, Mr. Cosby, have you made an enemy of over the years?, so we can know who to expect to fall into the pudding pop puddle next.
Model Paid to Destroy Bill Cosby’s Reputation More than 30 Years Ago