The SNL stand up featured on May 3, 2014 by is a prime example of BI. This sister is forced in many ways to assimilate to finding ways to tell our story which will appease the racist ownership, degrade the acknowledgement of Lupita Nyong’o gracing the cover of a national widely read magazine as one of the most beautiful women in America while at the same time brining BI upon her own racist societal created beauty standard through slavery.
Why are so many Black people mad at Leslie? She is doing what was asked of her when she sided unto a show who felt they did not even need a Black female cast member but instead emasculated Kenan Thompson to play the Black female. Look we must stop this whole Black on Black literary word violence.
Really, the majority of comedy shows which showcase Black actors and actress who writers are predominately of the white hue tend to script through coon and bafoonery.
We (Black People) get mad when our story of slavery, ancient history and present is told by the whiter hue but when someone steps out to tell our story through our own view/eyes BI creeps in and makes it irrelevant.
Do you no anyone who has remade “Kmt”, the Land of the Black-No, because everyone is to busy spending time telling someone else’s story.