Beyonce & Jay-Z Sent Thousands to Bail Out Protestors in Baltimore and Ferguson

by | May 19, 2015 | Celebrities, News | 0 comments

There is a lot of hate in the black community surrounding the Carter family. Some say they have sold their soul to the Illuminati just to increase their fame and influence around the world. Others say they are just flat out sell outs to the black race.

However, these people are not talking about the many wonderful things this family and entertainment icons are doing to help the black cause. Namely, the countless amount of donations, organizations and giving back they do without the bright media lights around.

Jay-Z-And-Beyonce-Fist-BumpThis week, social justice activist Dream Hampton defied Jay-Z’s confidence and revealed the Carter family has donated tens of thousands of dollars to bail out protesters in Baltimore, Ferguson and have done a lot more.

Hampton revealed the information in a series of Tweets spreading the information like wildfire. However, since the posting early this week, the Tweets have been removed,

Hampton revealed the information in a series of Tweets spreading the information like wildfire. However, since the posting early this week, the Tweets have been removed, but already heard around the world. Screenshots have been taking of the tweets and people are already discussing the philanthropy of the Carter family despite the negative talk surrounding them.

“When we needed money for bail for Baltimore protestors,” dream hapton began on Sunday, “I asked hit Jay up, as I had for Ferguson, wired tens of thousands in mins.”

The writer went on: “When [Black Lives Matter] needed infrastructure money for the many chapters that we’re growing like beautiful dandelions, Carters wrote a huge check. …and more stuff, too much to list actually, that they always insist folk keep quiet.”

Source: RawStory

It is great to see black people that have made it financially use their wealth to help the struggle. Not everyone will be on the front lines, but there is a role for everyone in the movement. Play your position and pray that others play theirs.


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