In the book “Behold a Pale Horse,” the late Milton William Cooper says this:
“There have been many related sequential coincidences all throughout my life, incidents that by themselves would have led nowhere. Statistically, the odds against the same or a related sequence of events happening to one individual are astronomically high. It is this series of incidents that have convinced me that God has had a hand in my life. I do not believe in fate. I do not believe in accidents. I cannot and will not accept the theory that long sequences of unrelated accidents determine world events. It is inconceivable that those with power and wealth would not band together with a common bond, a common interest, and a long-range plan to decide and direct the future of the world. For those with the resources, to do otherwise would be totally irresponsible. I know that I would be the first to organize a conspiracy to control the outcome of the future, if I were such a person and a conspiracy did not yet exist. I would do it in an attempt to ensure the survival of the principles in which I believe, the survival of my family, my survival, and the survival of the human race, if for no other reason. I believe, therefore, that a grand game of chess is being played on a level that we can barely imagine, and we are the pawns. Pawns are valuable only under certain circumstances and are frequently sacrificed to gain an advantage. Anyone who has studied military strategy is familiar with the concept of sacrifice. Those who have seriously studied history have probably discovered the real reason we go to war on a regularly scheduled basis. Before reading this book I advise you to play at least two complete games of chess. You must learn the rules THEY play by. You must realize objectively that some pieces are more valuable than others and that the king is the most valuable of all. You cannot learn reality if you get caught up in the fantasy that “if s not fair.” You must come to know that the ultimate outcome of the game is the only thing that counts. You were lied to when you were told that “it does not matter whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.” Winning in the world of the elite is everything. Indeed, it is the only thing. The power elite intend to win. My research has shown, at this point, that the future laid out for us may be just about impossible to change. I do not agree with the means by which the powerful few have chosen for us to reach the end. I do not agree that the end is where we should end at all. But unless we can wake the people from their sleep, nothing short of civil war will stop the planned outcome. I base that statement not on defeatism but on the apathy of the majority of the American people. Twenty-five years ago I would have believed otherwise — but twenty-five years ago I was also sound asleep. We have been taught lies. Reality is not at all what we perceive it to be.”
Since this book was written, the Black and intellectually elite have had two profound teachers talk to us profusely about the “shadow government” of the United States of America, and how we Americans can forget everything we’ve ever been taught about this nation and its “assumed greatness.”
Those two outstanding teachers, amongst many many others, were the late Steve Cokely and the industrious Min. Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. By defining the intellectually elite, we should be talking about those who have done their homework and studies and who make every effort to teach Black people what they have learned themselves, not just the “highly degreed” or “rich Black elite” amongst us who are only into whatever they are into for themselves and their own.
Milton William Cooper, who was murdered in November of 2001 after a phony setup at his own home in Arizona that was meant to bring him out of hiding in order to kill him, set this book out on the premise that the beginnings of the “shadow government” of the New World Order (or the conspiracy theory “Illuminati-mindset”) can be seen in the government’s willingness to (1) roll over and play “big Daddy Warbucks” to supposed lazy non-industrious people pilfering off the government and in the fact that (2) the 200-year old Constitution on which this government was founded is being challenged by people who are more than willing to turn this government inside out and force it to become something other than what the founding fathers meant for it to be.
There are three things to consider here:
1) The book is absolutely correct in its intent and purpose about exposing the “shadow government.”
Indeed, the conspiracy theories of the so-called Illuminati have been proven true. Now, who is behind it – the Bilderburg Group, the Rothschilds, the “Big Bank Hanks” and “Big Money Honeys” – is still a matter of speculation, simply because even though its been proven that these folks are the financiers of this underworld government and its structure, they are not the only ones with their hands in the honey pot.
America, indeed, has a blind willingness to turn their lives and futures over to the “greater thous” of our society, this is true; but where Cooper’s book makes its mistake is that it is not just the shadow government on the federal level, but also the shadow governments on the state levels that are playing a role in this entire schematic.
In particular, the southern states east and west of us (his home state of Arizona included), and upon which this entire nation was founded, are state governments who are just as bad as The Fed. We call these states the “backbone” or cornerstone of the origins of the United States, which was founded upon thirteen colonial states, or “farm prisons” that were established in America by their own Mother England.
2) The book is absolutely correct in its intent and purpose about the foundation of America being destroyed from its fiber to its outer fabric, but he goes to great lengths to wave the patriotic flag in the wrong direction for all the right reasons.
3) The premise is laid that the “founding fathers” of this social corporate construct did not intend for the federal government to be owned by Big Social Elitists (Patricians) who were willing to buy votes and voters in order to design the “New World Order” that they dreamed of. We can prove otherwise.
The Founding Fathers of this nation not only knew damned well what they were doing, but they did, indeed, intend for this government to be “owned” by the Well-heeled and Moneyed and not to be democratically run by proletariats; though they did not seem to envision it being “indebted” in order to get it done.
A couple of the founding fathers, Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, and even the writers of The Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, balked about passing on big government debt to the future generations.
They did say that the nation should try to stay out of debt totally, or if it did take on minor debt, it should pay it off in full before they transfer office to the younger generations, or “their” children and children’s children. That never happened, and now it’s nearly impossible to do, no matter how many poor, elderly, and disabled people that this nation tries to starve to death and kill off in war in favor of the “romanesque elite.” This government created a system of inborn and rooted poverty, endorsed it, and set it up to remain that way forever — and it started with slavery.
Some were against America being elitist or “bank-owned,” this is true; but, underneath the flag’s fabric, The United States of America was not set up to avoid that kind, even with the system of “checks and balances” being used as a placeholder and cover for democracy. That is our “social blind spot” as it was taught to us in public and private schools in order to keep us, and the lower class whites along with us, totally subservient and paying homage to the American patricians.
How did they pull it off? Divide & Conquer – Black on white, white on Black, Black on Black, white on white, all day every day. Emotional hogwash all in the name of some alleged “democratic freedoms” that never really existed.
America started off as, and always was, Imperialist elite, and is danged proud of it. Even Louisiana, founded upon the laws of French slavers coming out of Napoleon and Haiti, was institutionally Imperialist-elite BY DESIGN.
As a child, I was taught in school that “our great America democratic society” was founded on some very Greco-European ideologies and principles and legal systems. We were forced into a training curriculum by lawful command that was based on the writings of Greece, Rome, and the Arabic numerical systems. The numbering systems of this nation and the hieroglyphics of its English language provide a direct link to the Far East and connects the crumb dots right back to the fact that everything Rome and Greece learned and passed on to England, it learned from some very African and Far Eastern Black people who were in this world and highly educated, for their times, long before these Greeks and Romans ever appeared.
But back to America … it was never, in fact, a “democracy.”
It was a Federalist Republic from the outset, in the hands of its founding fathers; and it was never as “free” as Cooper attempts to tell us it once was. As a matter of reference: America will never be a true democracy with its current 200+-year old Constitution in place, and it wasn’t meant to be.
Cooper gives us the whole direct “wild wild west” spiel about America, patriotism, and its intended democratic freedoms; but he leaves out one GINORMOUS piece of this puzzle that made it easy to prove he was nothing more than a ‘wild-eyed conspiracy theorist’.
He appeared to believe that this entire nation was filled with nothing but big white guys with second amendment rights and guns who were “freer” than the English themselves. He also appeared to forget while writing that the slave basis of America at the heart and root of its proficient “world greatness” was the very thing that would end up unraveling this nation’s threads.
Cooper appears not to be aware that those travesties of justice alone, those that went on in this nation for nearly 400 years, would lead to its undoing. God never meant for it to remain in place any longer than it needed to.
Many Black Americans will tell you that this nation has not been “great” (in that sense) since World War II. America has gone through nothing but a series of failed wars ever since.
It could be argued that Cooper’s book was actually trying to bring out these points in his argument and exposé, but then in the audio-recorded version, you will hear a direct interview with him at the end, in “question-and-answer” format, that says otherwise.
He even admits that people have accused him of being a ‘far rightwing evangelical madman’ and racist; but, he argues [paraphrased], “I am married to a Chinese woman, so that kills that argument.”
Uhm, Mr Cooper, beg your decedent pardon, but being married to a Chinese woman, or a woman of any other race or ethnicity, does not automatically mean you’re not a racist, or that you don’t have the potential to come out as one.
The world, as we’ve said before, was not created round for no reason.
All things must come around full circle. Everything done in the dark must come to the Light, and over that, none of us have any control. FYI: For Mr. Cooper’s information, and for those who follow along with his line of thinking, I, too, an an American woman, and a Black one, at that. One who also believes in One God, just as he claimed to; so the premise and opening of his book left a bitter taste in my mouth, even though I went on and listened to the rest of it in spite of how I was feeling.
Simply put, Cooper forgot that Black people live here as American citizens, or he didn’t think enough of the U.S. that is “us” to bring to root the whole truth and nothing BUT the truth in his argument. It was comprehensive, but it was not concise. He saw what he saw through a very jaded and clouded set of eyes that were privileged enough to only have to live on one side of the street and to become very functional and financially capable in society because of it.
He did not have to see this nation or this world from a WHOLE WORLD “inclusive” point of view, and that alone could have, might have, saved his life. Louis Farrakhan, too, has received death threats…many of them. Yet, he’s still here (for reasons everyone has an opinion about); but still, he sees it all, and not just from the white boy gun-toting cowboy’s perspective.
Stay tuned … it gets interesting.
In the meantime, feel free to talk amongst yourselves about why this nation, and this world, is in its current state of being and where this ends. And it does end.
Things are not exactly as Cooper laid them out to be. His ideologies about America and its direction at this time was thoroughly correct; but his wild-eyed misconstrued theories about why it was happening, or why it did happen already, were dead wrong.
His thoughts about who is a real American Patriot here and who is a true believer in Almighty God, and who is not, were totally theoretically erroneous.