Barack’s Smile, Michelle’s Hairstyle

by | Feb 10, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments

Since the most important people to ever have graced the national stage of America left office about 20 days ago, that’s NEARLY THREE WEEKS Y’ALL, we’ve been privileged enough to catch glimpses of them doing things like kite-surfing and walking on island beaches in sun hats.

But the biggest topic that is still hitting the media airwaves is that infamous “side eye” Michelle Obama gave us all at the Trump inauguration “festivities” (LOL!) on January 20, 2017.

Some have said everything from she was mean-mugging Melania Trump to she was side-eyeing some feisty camera person just because she was finally free to do what she couldn’t do in eight whole years.

Well, I have my own interpretation on President Obama’s kite-surfing prowess and First Lady Obama’s gorgeous and lovely side-eye angled at some camera person who was likely egging her on with a nasty comment like “How’s it feel to finally be leaving the White House after all these years?”

Whoomp, here it is.


President Obama kite surfs and smiles

Ocean’s 44-111 – Barack Obama. “Surf’s up! I’m out! DEUCES!”

Truly, “Surf’s up! I told you all from Day One that it wasn’t about me and you didn’t listen, so … seeya and I wouldn’t wanna be ya! Booyah! DEUCES! I’m out!” *sound of a backsplash as he falls surreptitiously from view*



Island Girl Michelle

Island Girl – Michelle Obama. “I guess it WAS worth it after all, LOL!”

Truly, “I guess it WAS worth it after all! Poor little rich girl Melania, LOL! She’s stuck and she has never had to work a day in her life.” *as her back graciously turns, the sound of high heels clicking on a sidewalk, silver bangles jingling and gum popping*


And that infamous January 20, 2017 side-eye camera angle. Well, that was for US, all US:

“If you had done for Bernie or Hillary what you did for me and my husband, you wouldn’t be stuck with this joke of a man and his trailer trash family. You all was too busy looking at my hair and clothes and shoes and lusting after my husband, so I didn’t even bother to dress up and get my ‘herr did’ just to let you all know you pay too damned much attention to the wrong thing and don’t look after your own future -LIKE I DID MINES- while trying to look ‘cute’ all the time. Maybe next time, you’ll listen when someone says get rid of Citizens United and get your asses registered to vote, VOTE, and then follow through on that vote after it’s done. In the meantime, he’s all yours. Barack is all mine. Have fun!


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