Tuesday morning in Central West End, Saint Louis, there was a shooting involving a police officer on Maryland Ave, between Kingshighway and N. Euclid. Authorities are saying the officer was ambushed.
According to reports, four men pulled up in a car and one exited the passenger side and began firing on the officer still in his car.
The suspects haven’t been found and are still at large.
Nevertheless, the officer is in stable condition.
The bullet proof vest worked as advertised and he is expecting a full recovery.
While investigating the scene  where 39 year old St. Louis Police Sargent of 16 years was shot, a man appeared holding a sign that said, “How does it feel??
” It is assumed his sign was referring to the feeling of having someone you care about being shot and killed like so many black people and families across the country have experienced.
[ADSENSE2] While investigating the scene  where 39 year old St. Louis Police Sargent of 16 years was shot, a man appeared holding a sign that said, “How does it feel??” It is assumed his sign was referring to the feeling of having someone you care about being shot and killed like so many black people and families across the country have experienced.
However, we must note this is just speculation at the moment. The man hasn’t been identified, nor has he spoken out on his true intent of the sign, or why he was there in the first place.
The sign is receiving mixed reaction across the black community. Some feel the man was justified for asking the question at the scene of the ambush, but others feel this is too disrespectful to law enforcement and he shouldn’t have done it.
SOUND OFF: What are your thoughts on meaning of the sign and if he should be out there with the sign at all?
Source: Fox2Now.com