Now that I have your attention, this header is by no means whatsoever a “blame whitey” sort of statement.
Black people in America are not totally innocent and exonerated from the types of actions and attitudes that have prevailed in our own destruction in America. True enough, while not everybody fits into the head mold of someone else’s making about who and what we are as a race of people, I’ve also stated that Black America does, somehow, become totally “monolithic,” like it or not, in the hands of a very white America that would like to define all of us as a bunch of “lazy ni&&ers.”
Why do they do it? America was built on it, that’s why. Racism pays, big time.
Oh, they’re doing it even when they’re telling us it’s just our imagination and that we’re being unjustifiably “paranoid.” (As if a 525-year history and these current back-to-back assaults and legal and racial insults that the entire nation, and the world, jaded, sheltered and all, don’t tell us that we are NOT, in fact, imagining it.)
Let’s face it, we’ve got huge corporate issues as a race of people, not the least of which is the internal implosion on one another that causes only certain sectors of Black America to have “stickiness” in their communities…and even then, when they do stick together, it’s a sketchy stickiness and depends on a lot of variables.
It doesn’t even matter any more that white America has the same issues as us, what does matter is that whatever THEIR issues are, it is not having this kind of detrimental impact on them or their communities, or their psychological wherewithal — not coming from us.
What does matter is that WE, AS A PEOPLE, can’t afford it.
Too much damage has been done from without, so whether we want to deal or not, the damage (we often refer to it as “post-traumatic slave syndrome”) has had an everlasting impact on Black America — and as a result, we are situationally a race of people who are yet ‘forsaken and begging bread at the gates of strangers’ in the United States.
As to white people, whether they are at a privileged advantage because this nation was founded on racism and slavery, or whether they are still taking advantage of this nation’s history simply because they are white, it is their own fault that the damage has been done and STILL continues to this day. Yes it is.
As to us … the “monolithic whether-we-like-it-or-not” race, there is an overall prevailing feeling across America that we simply can’t pull it together no matter what we do.
The damage done has been phenomenal and it has not ended by any stretch of the imagination.
That general feeling prevails, almost without let-up, from California down to the depths of Miami, Florida, and up to the northern quadrant of Maine; from the northernmost part of the Michigan Great Lakes where it touches Canada, and all the way down to New Orleans just on the outer fringe of the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico.
We’ve already had the conversations, ad nauseum.
“Black folks don’t stick together,” “we have a bad case of “crabs in a barrel” syndrome,” we “hate on” each other whether it’s because of dark-skin-light-skin-good-hair-bad-hair Plantation-yielding Mulatto/Creole syndrome, or just because there is actually a legitimate and valid reason for the hatred that is something personal between thee and thou.
Hold up. Back up.
We know what happened in the past, we know what happened in the RECENT past and what is happening now.
We are just now, through re-education and self-education, beginning to understand that we should embrace our natural and rooted foundational history as a guide for tomorrow; but there is still a problem.
Just like Black folks in the 1980s, through watching The Cosby Show, became ashamed of James Brown and he ended up having to reinvent himself from “Say It Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud” to “Coming to America,” white backup singers and all, we can give white America credit for one thing if nothing else.
They don’t run or stray too far from Cooter & Patsy Belle and their daughter, “Honey Boo-Boo,” not the way we run from and get all in denial about Pookie, Shanaynay and their daughter, Sheniqua.
Their country kissin’ kuzzins are not a real source of embarrassment for them, but a piece of their outdated and antiquated history by which they can still fly the America Confederate flag and remember and reminisce about their yesterdays as well as their futures. They don’t often let redneck cousins like “Cooter & Patsy Belle” dictate their current lives, but they don’t throw them in the trash and run from that land, their ownership of it, and their roots in America and act like they don’t exist either.
There is a reason that they so easily embrace “redneck”-ism, Jeff Foxworthy-style, and Sweet Home Alabama.
It’s a source of pride.
Well, THEIR story isn’t ours.
And seriously, we ought to be just as proud of our OWN history, heritage and roots.
We did much more with a lot less than we have now, and the Black America that we now know is rooted in the southeastern quadrant of this nation where our African ancestors who had no white blood in them first set foot in Point Comfort and Jamestown, Virginia, as SLAVES (though, indeed, our ancestors were here long before there was a slave in this nation).
We, as a people, are too quick to embrace titles and degrees in Black America, and “bling and stuff.” We too easily throw away our land and our backwoods country shotgun homes and our ownership of historically Black colleges and universities and that inherited land given to our ancestors out of preference for an easier lifestyle in the citified ways of modern suburban America.
That kind of disconnect –like it or not– has served no other purpose than to keep us at odds with one another and out of the realm of the possibility of future advancement and progress.
“You can run, but you cannot hide.”
This is where it really doesn’t matter what white people did that got us here in this place, but what matters is what we continue to do that hurts our futures and any chance of progress.
Yes, families break up. They fuss, fight, and argue; but they eventually make up and get on with the business of being family, regardless. Okay, so you can’t stand ’em and they make you sick, and Anjanisha and Ray-Ray done stole something from you one time too many. Whoopdittywhoop. Get a clue and tighten it up so they can’t do it any more. Regardless…the “Assault” on Black America ends when we end it. And not one second sooner.
And Yes — white people pipelined guns, drugs, and alcohol into the Black inner-city communities and rural areas.
The absolute truth is that when they could no longer legally lynch us and get away with it (and some of them still do to this day-R.I.P. Trayvon Martin), they planted these things in our communities and set up the cyclical pattern of ‘the system’ so that we would self-implode and lynch one another.
And we fell for it.
Today, the guns and drugs are no longer free, but still too readily available.
We’ve become caged birds and still carry on with the socialized need of a white America that insists on seeing nothing good in Black America except every available opportunity that we hand them to “steal from us, kill us, and destroy us.” Too many of us go to church all day every day not to understand who leads the pack on theft, murder, and destruction, not only in America, but around the world.
[“The Hearts of Black Folk“.]
I heard one excuse-maker fronting a “conscious movement” for Black people in the urban ghetto areas say that “Black people are killing one another (in the streets of Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, LA and New Orleans, et al) because they are hungry.” (i.e., can’t find decent work, etc…)
Ahma put it like this: “Last I checked, guns and bullets aren’t free; and the drug dealer and pawn shop owner is at the grocery store buying food–with YOUR money.” Time for recognition of and cognitive truth: If you can afford to shoot each other over hunger, then you’re not THAT hungry.
Put the white folks’ messes away and stop acting white — those filthy weapons of mass destruction and the theft and rape and ravages of “bling” began with them, and it should rest and die with them. We too often allow their mental health issues about Black people to become our own.
In the meantime, “Phillip and Sharon” need to stop sitting on their high royal thrones catering to white America’s ideas about who we are and they really need to stop being in denial about our cultural and historic roots as a people in America.
You are not “multi-cultural” or “bi-racial.” You Black. Period.
If your skin is not the COLOR Black, you are “Black-oriented” through historical root, tradition and biological order. Be proud of that.
The ‘one-drop rule’ still applies.
When it comes to the monolithic ‘powers-that-be’, even the President of the United States at this time has been leveraged to let us know in no uncertain terms that nothing we do will ever be good enough for them.
Harvard degree, titles, accomplishments, and all, we’re still nothing more than a ‘bunch of food stamp-grubbing ni&&ers’ in their eyes trying to eat up THEIR tax dollars as far as they are concerned, and nothing is ever going to change that.
Forget the fact that their ancestors didn’t earn this country, nor work to build it. They stole it and used slave labor to build this America, but we are where we are now.
After Obama is successfully defeated by their racist Congress and gone from office in 2017, we’ll sit back and allow the likes of a common corporate thief like Mitt Romney and his country kuzzin cohort Sarah Palin to take the helm of this nation to its next pathways in the mid-1800s, simply because we don’t vote and don’t think our votes count anyway, where will be then?
Will we like racism better on white skin, where it belongs?
It is white folks’ fault that we are in this mess. They are fully and totally ethically, morally, psychologically, philosophically, and socially responsible for it. That is true. And it’s our own fault that we let them get away with it when we no longer had to.
“Where do we go from here?” What now?
Take your Black@ home and recover and revive what’s left of you and yours before them white folks take what’s left of your history and start acting like they “discovered” that, too.
Do it while you still can. That is the ONLY thing that is going to make all the difference in the world with “our” people.
This isn’t about the past, this is about reconnecting with our roots and history, and picking up and carrying on what we left behind. For the FUTURE. The ball got dropped in 1968, but it’s time to pick it up now, relight the torch and move FORWARD.
At the end of a long, hard, storied and ‘historied’ road, our families, our roots, our culture, is all that we really have left.
You done forgot who you are, chil’ren. G’wan home.
Build up and out from THERE, in America, YOUR country.
That’s where we left off and that is where we shall begin anew, not from someplace where we really don’t belong and don’t need to belong; or from some place that we’ve never really been as citizens and countrymen.
PRIDE, Black America.
Get some.
The right kind, not the ‘white’ kind.